Tag: How to
Using your Android or iOS tablet as a second monitor
As we’ve seen previously (The more screens, the better — Our guide to multiple monitors ), having more screens to distribute your desktop across can be a huge benefit to your computing experience. And as you’ll have noticed in the title, if you’ve got a tablet, you can even bring it into the mix, as long…
How-To: Streaming stuff around your house
In this increasingly wireless world, it seems odd that it’s actually kinda difficult to get music or other media from one device to another. In my case, I have photos, movies and music all stored on a central storage device on my network — a Network Attached Storage device, or NAS. Getting to that media easily…
Show your parents you care — tech style
It’s highly likely that many of you, like me, are responsible for technical support of your families’ computer systems and internet connection. Earlier today I found a great little microsite (by Google) that’ll help you suppo...
Things to do with your new iPad, iPod Touch or iPhone
Black Friday has come and gone, and you’ve likely got a new gadget, gizmo or toy — I’m going to assume it’s an iPod Touch or iPhone — which is a perfect opportunity for me to dig into my archives and pull out a few posts that may help you and your new baby. 5 favourite…
Portable computing with Portable Apps
Not everyone wants to lug a laptop around with them between classes or across town to a study session at the library. Or perhaps you’re moving between a work computer, your home computer and a remote worksite computer, yet want to make sure you’ve got your suite of regular-use tools at hand (’cause you certainly…
A simple and easy way to back up your Google Docs
If you do a lot of your work on various computers in different locations (as I do), conveniently accessing your documents is important. Though I carry a 2GB USB drive everywhere, I actually find it easier to use Google Docs and store my work ‘in the Cloud’, so to speak. But, that amorphous blob of computing-storage…
Logitech G15 Keyboard upgrade (v1 — v2)
After a lengthy email exchange with Logitech customer support (started October 22, 2007), I’ve just received my replacement Logitech G15 keyboard (affiliate link). The key problem (pardon the pun) was that the black paint on a few of the keys was wearing off, allowing the backlighting to shine through obscuring any key lettering. This keyboard was…