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Tag: How to

  • Using your Android or iOS tablet as a second monitor

    As we’ve seen pre­vi­ously (The more screens, the bet­ter — Our guide to mul­tiple mon­it­ors ), hav­ing more screens to dis­trib­ute your desktop across can be a huge bene­fit to your com­put­ing experience. And as you’ll have noticed in the title, if you’ve got a tab­let, you can even bring it into the mix, as long…

  • How-To: Streaming stuff around your house

    In this increas­ingly wire­less world, it seems odd that it’s actu­ally kinda dif­fi­cult to get music or oth­er media from one device to another. In my case, I have pho­tos, movies and music all stored on a cent­ral stor­age device on my net­work — a Net­work Attached Stor­age device, or NAS. Get­ting to that media eas­ily…

  • Show your parents you care — tech style

    It’s highly likely that many of you, like me, are responsible for technical support of your families’ computer systems and internet connection. Earlier today I found a great little microsite (by Google) that’ll help you suppo...

  • Things to do with your new iPad, iPod Touch or iPhone

    Black Fri­day has come and gone, and you’ve likely got a new gad­get, gizmo or toy — I’m going to assume it’s an iPod Touch or iPhone — which is a per­fect oppor­tun­ity for me to dig into my archives and pull out a few posts that may help you and your new baby. 5 favour­ite…

  • Portable computing with Portable Apps

    Not every­one wants to lug a laptop around with them between classes or across town to a study ses­sion at the lib­rary. Or per­haps you’re mov­ing between a work com­puter, your home com­puter and a remote work­s­ite com­puter, yet want to make sure you’ve got your suite of reg­u­lar-use tools at hand (’cause you cer­tainly…

  • A simple and easy way to back up your Google Docs

    If you do a lot of your work on vari­ous com­puters in dif­fer­ent loc­a­tions (as I do), con­veni­ently access­ing your doc­u­ments is important. Though I carry a 2GB USB drive every­where, I actu­ally find it easi­er to use Google Docs and store my work ‘in the Cloud’, so to speak. But, that amorph­ous blob of com­put­ing-stor­age…

  • A few Twitter tips for TV media

    Recently I had the oppor­tun­ity to help intro­duce a loc­al TV news anchor to the rather con­vo­luted world of Twit­ter, via Twit­ter. That ses­sion gave me pause to think about what the TV news media really knows about this new media and its denizens. So, to save repeat­ing myself, and per­haps help a few oth­er…

  • Logitech G15 Keyboard upgrade (v1 — v2)

    After a lengthy email exchange with Logit­ech cus­tom­er sup­port (star­ted Octo­ber 22, 2007), I’ve just received my replace­ment Logit­ech G15 key­board (affil­i­ate link). The key prob­lem (par­don the pun) was that the black paint on a few of the keys was wear­ing off, allow­ing the back­light­ing to shine through obscur­ing any key let­ter­ing. This key­board was…