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Month: August 2007

  • Lego’ and Apple. Can it get much better than this?

    All right, so astute observ­ers will note that it’s not really a Lego set, but a cus­tom set cre­ated by Pod­Brix, a cus­tom Lego ‘hack­ing’ company.  For me, this is a must-have set. I wasted spent many hours of my youth on my Dad’s Apple][e. Flight Sim­u­lat­or and Wizardry…I remem­ber them well. This set seems to…

  • Edmonton public library leaps into social media

    While oth­er pub­lic and private organ­iz­a­tions and cor­por­a­tions are ana­lyz­ing, examin­ing, test­ing and ignor­ing, the Edmon­ton Pub­lic Lib­rary soft-launched its Face­book applic­a­tion today. As it says on the applic­a­tion teas­er, it’s a very LIMITED ver­sion of the won­der­ful world of the Edmon­ton Pub­lic Library. Cur­rently you can: check out your account status, includ­ing holds ask ques­tion of lib­rary staff…

  • Who’s a bad dog

    Selena and Heloise NOT enjoy­ing this par­tic­u­lar camp­ing exper­i­ence. They did quite well, but could­n’t under­stand why they had to stay con­nec­ted to that big tree! Tech­nor­ati Tags: Dogs, Daschunds, Selena, Heloise, Vaca­tion, Camp­ing

  • This will surely free more of your valuable time

    Tim Fer­riss (4 Hour Work Week) lists 9 items in his ‘Not To Do List’ that make sense and will free up your time. I already do num­ber 1, and try to do num­ber 4: 1. Do not answer calls from unre­cog­nized phone num­bersFeel free to sur­prise oth­ers, but don’t be sur­prised. It just res­ults in…

  • Photo software reveals new way of looking at the space shuttle

    I’ve men­tioned Pho­to­Synth before (from Microsoft Live Labs), but with the cur­rent space shuttle mis­sion, this new gal­lery deserved a mention. In col­lab­or­a­tion between Microsoft’s Live Labs team in Seattle, Wash­ing­ton, NAS­A’s Kennedy Space Cen­ter, in Cape Canaver­al, Flor­ida, and NAS­A’s Ames Research Cen­ter, in Sil­ic­on Val­ley, these col­lec­tions were cre­ated to allow people to…

  • What ever happened to Digital Research?

    Cool (and lengthy) video from the Scobleizer (Robert Scoble). It runs almost an hour, but the enga­ging sub­ject and inform­a­tion make it fly by. This is still the biggest busi­ness story in the tech industry. It is one that busi­ness school stu­dents will study for a long time.  It?s a story of arrog­ance. Leg­al mis­judg­ments. Mis­judging the…

  • Le Moo! Redux!

    Heh, par­don my Fran­cis, but the fine folk at have delivered! Recently I wrote about the new Moo Stick­ers. Well, yes, my batch has arrived! Free, gratis my fine feathered friend Cory (and his free giveaway) at Boing­Bo­ing. And, not to ove­rhype this, but these stick­ers are super­lat­ive! Ok, maybe I’m ove­rhyp­ing just a…

  • The mountains are wet. Awesome long weekend!

    Just a brief post to fill the void. I’ve been in vaca­tion mode and not posting…here’s why! We took off to the moun­tains for the August long week­end. Lots of prep. time required…it’s the first time in years that we’d gone camp­ing. Had to dust off all the gear, test it, patch it and pick…

  • Linklist — August 1, 2007

    This Face­book app may actu­ally be worth keep­ing installed — “News­hound” — New Face­book Applic­a­tion Debuts! Tech­nor­ati Tags: Face­book, News­hound, Links, Link­list, Face­book applic­a­tion, Shiny Object Syndrome