Month: August 2007
‘Lego’ and Apple. Can it get much better than this?
All right, so astute observers will note that it’s not really a Lego set, but a custom set created by PodBrix, a custom Lego ‘hacking’ company. For me, this is a must-have set. I wasted spent many hours of my youth on my Dad’s Apple][e. Flight Simulator and Wizardry…I remember them well. This set seems to…
Who’s a bad dog
Selena and Heloise NOT enjoying this particular camping experience. They did quite well, but couldn’t understand why they had to stay connected to that big tree! Technorati Tags: Dogs, Daschunds, Selena, Heloise, Vacation, Camping
This will surely free more of your valuable time
Tim Ferriss (4 Hour Work Week) lists 9 items in his ‘Not To Do List’ that make sense and will free up your time. I already do number 1, and try to do number 4: 1. Do not answer calls from unrecognized phone numbersFeel free to surprise others, but don’t be surprised. It just results in…
Photo software reveals new way of looking at the space shuttle
I’ve mentioned PhotoSynth before (from Microsoft Live Labs), but with the current space shuttle mission, this new gallery deserved a mention. In collaboration between Microsoft’s Live Labs team in Seattle, Washington, NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, in Cape Canaveral, Florida, and NASA’s Ames Research Center, in Silicon Valley, these collections were created to allow people to…
Le Moo! Redux!
Heh, pardon my Francis, but the fine folk at have delivered! Recently I wrote about the new Moo Stickers. Well, yes, my batch has arrived! Free, gratis my fine feathered friend Cory (and his free giveaway) at BoingBoing. And, not to overhype this, but these stickers are superlative! Ok, maybe I’m overhyping just a…
The mountains are wet. Awesome long weekend!
Just a brief post to fill the void. I’ve been in vacation mode and not posting…here’s why! We took off to the mountains for the August long weekend. Lots of prep. time required…it’s the first time in years that we’d gone camping. Had to dust off all the gear, test it, patch it and pick…