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What ever happened to Digital Research?

Cool (and lengthy) video from the Scobleizer (Robert Scoble). It runs almost an hour, but the enga­ging sub­ject and inform­a­tion make it fly by. This is still the biggest busi­ness story in the tech industry. It is one that busi­ness school stu­dents will study for a long time.  It?s a story of arrog­ance. Leg­al mis­judg­ments. Mis­judging the…

Cool (and lengthy) video from the Scobleizer (Robert Scoble). It runs almost an hour, but the enga­ging sub­ject and inform­a­tion make it fly by.

This is still the biggest busi­ness story in the tech industry. It is one that busi­ness school stu­dents will study for a long time. 

It?s a story of arrog­ance. Leg­al mis­judg­ments. Mis­judging the play­ers. And an abid­ing deep friend­ship that comes through. 

If there?s a piece of video that will prob­ably out­last me this is it.








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