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Tag: twitter

  • Getting Twitter Spam? Here’s how I deal with it

    This is the second part of a post series I star­ted a few days ago, deal­ing with Twit­ter spam. How to avoid becom­ing a Twit­ter spam­mer [part one] How to deal with Twit­ter spam [this article] What got me think­ing about it was the recent spate of incom­ing DM tweets from trus­ted people I fol­low. I received…

  • Want to get more ReTweets (RT)?

    I just had a quick con­ver­sa­tion with a friend about ReTweets. Not enough for a full blog post, but an idea I did­n’t want to not write about. The concept is to leave enough room so that any­one who wants to retweet you does­n’t have to work to do it. Here’s a simple for­mula I use: 140 -…

  • How to avoid becoming a Twitter spammer, the easy way

    Over the last few weeks I’ve been receiv­ing spam on Twit­ter from trus­ted people I follow. It’s not that they’ve all been over­come by the need to mon­et­ize their Twit­ter accounts (there, I said mon­et­ize in a blog post, I’m doomed), rather, they’ve fallen vic­tim to diabol­ic­ally-craf­ted account phish­ing schemes and their Twit­ter accounts are…

  • The top three URL shorteners for ReTweets

    If you use Twit­ter at all you know that tweets really are the essence of tight-writ­ing, since you’ve only got 140 char­ac­ters to work with. If you’re plan­ning to include a link to oth­er web con­tent or leave space so that oth­ers can retweet your tweet, your char­ac­ter count drops further. Sav­in’ the tweet, one…

  • Godspeed Apollo 11

    It was 40 years ago today, and the Amer­ic­an space pro­gram put it all on the line send­ing three young avi­at­ors to land on the moon. Wow. I don’t think we’d even con­sider that a risk worth tak­ing now. Some­where along the line we lost our abil­ity to take risks.…and return to the Moon. I’m lucky to have…

  • How to automatically post your Facebook status to Twitter

    Well it looks like Face­book and Twit­ter are now play­ing nice. If you’re logged into Face­book, this page will walk you through the pro­cess of hook­ing things up so that your Face­book updates will go out to your Twit­ter feed. Select what you want, and pro­tect the rest. I’m going to leave this post as…

  • TweetDeck — now with more awesome!

    In the wig­gly world of Twit­ter apps, com­pet­i­tion is get­ting pretty tight between the lead­ing desktop con­tenders; Tweet­Deck, See­smic, and new-kid-on-the-block Mixero. Today Tweet­Deck launched their latest update, with some pleas­ant sur­prises: Con­ver­sa­tion win­dow — View an entire dia­logue all at once. Video play­back — Watch Qik or 12seconds video clips from the com­fort of TweetDeck.…

  • Reasons why I unfollow someone on Twitter

    Recently I had a great dis­cus­sion on Twit­ter about Unfollowing…a much dis­cussed top­ic of etiquette amongst the Twitterati. One school of thought is that when someone fol­lows you on Twit­ter, it’s prop­er for you to fol­low them back. That’s not my belief though. If that were the case, then it would be impossible for me to…

  • The reasons why people follow me on Twitter

    In the pre­vi­ous post, I star­ted to answer the ques­tion “Why people fol­low me on Twit­ter.” I went through some back­ground, reviewed my tweet his­tory, and wrote a bit about my exper­i­ence using Twit­ter­’s Dir­ect Mes­sage (DM) to ask the question. This fol­low-on post gets into the actu­al reas­ons and numbers. Over the three months…

  • Wondering why people follow me on Twitter?

    About 6 months ago I got curi­ous as to why people were fol­low­ing me on Twit­ter. Basic­ally I asked them… and then found out some rather inter­est­ing things, both about why they were fol­low­ing me and also about the evolving etiquette around Twit­ter interactions. This has turned into a two-part post. Ini­tially I was going…

  • A few Twitter tips for TV media

    Recently I had the oppor­tun­ity to help intro­duce a loc­al TV news anchor to the rather con­vo­luted world of Twit­ter, via Twit­ter. That ses­sion gave me pause to think about what the TV news media really knows about this new media and its denizens. So, to save repeat­ing myself, and per­haps help a few oth­er…

  • eeePC Netbook Ubuntu mod and a bit of fun

    As you can see, I’ve man­aged to get Tweet­Deck installed on my lan­guish­ing eeePC 8G Netbook. Ori­gin­ally we’d picked the eeePC up as a light web browser, but found the nat­ive Xan­dros OS a bit weak. Time passed and we’d not had time to really explore the poten­tial of this little guy…until now. First off, the…