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Tag: space

  • Found my boarding pass. Next stop, Mars.

  • Needed to share this on my blog, so I know where to find it regularly 😀 xkcd: Up Goer Five via xkcd: Up Goer Five.

  • When the Stars Align

    Today was a pretty nor­mal day for the most part. Took Selena in for a quick checkup vet vis­it. Went to work and audited an advanced Excel class (that I’ll be teach­ing soon). Reg­u­lar, nor­mal stuff. Except when you apply a ‘space’ lay­er to the day. Driv­ing home from the clin­ic with Selena, I heard Go! — a very…

  • Captain on the bridge

    About a year or so ago I down­loaded a nifty little PC game called Artemis — Star­ship Simulator. Actu­ally, that name’s a bit mis­lead­ing — it’s more of a Star Trek bridge crew sim­u­lat­or. There are oth­er reviews that cov­er it bet­ter, but suf­fice it to say it’s a cool game to bring to a…

  • Godspeed Commander Hadfield

    Cana­dian astro­naut, space enthu­si­ast, edu­cat­or, social media sen­sa­tion, and now enter­tain­er? Yep, those are just a sampling of the roles that Com­mand­er Chris Hadifeld ful­filled dur­ing his 146 day post­ing to the ISS as Sta­tion Commander. His Soy­uz cap­sule returns to Earth tomor­row even­ing, but as a last sur­prise, the Com­mand­er released this video rework­ing of…

  • Lawnchairs in Space!

    You likely are aware that I’m a fan of the Kerbal Space Pro­gram, a very cool and fun way to safely explore the pro­cess of design­ing, build­ing, launch­ing, nav­ig­at­ing and land­ing space­craft. Yep, cool and safe. Totally unlike real­ity. Earli­er today I stumbled across this video that, while hos­ted by a Kerbal Space Pro­gram fan, goes into a…

  • Get your Kerbal on! Update .18 released.

    The latest, and pos­sibly greatest, update to Kerbal Space Pro­gram has just been released, fea­tur­ing: * Dock­ing Con­nect­ing ves­sels togeth­er is now pos­sible! Build space sta­tions, sur­face bases, or assemble huge space­craft in orbit. * Flight Planning Get­ting to oth­er plan­ets and moons just got a lot sim­pler. Place man­euvers along your orbit to cre­ate a…

  • Canadarm: Today’s Google Doodle

    Very cool of the fine folks at Google to recog­nize the 31st anniversary of the Cana­darm’s use in space with today’s Google Doodle.

  • To the Mun and back.

    If you’re into the Kerbal Space Pro­gram (as you’ll no-doubt have noticed I am) you’ll appre­ci­ate this video of a trip to Mun and back, set to appro­pri­ate music. The video also shows off some of the really great graph­ics and images pos­sible with this sand­box style game. Fun!

  • Coolest indie game in development — update and video!

     My recent fling with the Kerbal Space Pro­gram is get­ting more ser­i­ous; they’ve released the much-anti­cip­ated 0.7 update that includes lots of cool stuff, including: Sev­er­al new Plan­ets and Moons, for a total of 14 Celes­ti­al Bodies. Mul­tiple game saves support. Tutori­als and Scenarios. Sev­er­al new Parts, includ­ing a NERVA Engine. Intern­al Cock­pit Views on…

  • Viewing the Solar Eclipse from Edmonton this evening?

    There’s a great ‘sim­u­lated’ pre­view of what you can expect to see over at And do check out the awe­some resources that Dr. Phil Plait (@badastronomer) has cur­ated here: Eclipse fol­lowup part 2: tons o’ links on how to safely watch

  • 50 year old infographic shows NASA’s first manned forray into space

    NAS­A’s Image of the Day Gal­lery provided this cool infograph­ic show­ing Alan Shep­ard’s brief flight into space — Amer­ica’s first. It appeared magic­ally on my desktop cour­tesy of John’s Back­ground Switch­er — a cool win­dows desktop wall­pa­per applic­a­tion that man­ages and dis­plays many image sources.