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Tag: Image

  • Some photos of the day

    I’m in Canada, so snow is a way of life at this time of year. It’s to be expec­ted, it’s routine, almost mundane. But occa­sion­ally you get the right mix of an early morn­ing snow­fall, and some really inter­est­ing light to provide the basis for creativity. Mix in a little Light­room tweak­ing, and I have fun:…

  • Winter Hoodoos

    The big snowstorm that hit Edmon­ton on Decem­ber 4th and 5th was accom­pan­ied by rather high winds, which depos­ited and sculp­ted the snow­drifts in my yard. Inter­est­ing shapes resulted.

  • 3 windows applications improve your desktop’s appearance

    Lately I’ve been try­ing to keep my win­dows desktop icon and clut­ter free. In my case, this has meant that I’ve been sav­ing less to my desktop (my default save-to loc­a­tion) and more to work­ing dir­ect­or­ies. And, since a cluttered desktop reflects a cluttered mind, I like to think of this as a bit of…

  • Full Moon setting on Wednesday morning

    The fol­low­ing post is a Quick­Hit™ — an art­icle or post I found online and thought was import­ant enough to share dir­ectly with you. Of course, you’ll see my thoughts or opin­ions pre­pen­ded or appen­ded to this post, oth­er­wise I’m just scrap­ing con­tent, and that’s not the intent. via I man­aged to cap­ture this…

  • Cool & free Space Race icons

    I found these nifty free icons while surf­ing this morn­ing, and am think­ing they’re the per­fect com­ple­ment to some of my space themed desktop images I use. If you’re inter­ested, here a quick list of my desktop image posts: Atlantis on the sun — desktop Earth­rise — desktop And check out these icons at The Icon Fact­ory.…

  • How to make a Polaroid from any digital image

    Even though Polar­oid instant cam­era and film packs are no longer being made by the Polar­oid Cor­por­a­tion, you can get that same look on your digit­al pho­tos with Once upon a time you had to manu­ally cre­ate these things in Adobe Pho­toshop or GIMP. Not any more. Basic­ally, Rol­lip takes your image and does some…

  • Best music player ever gets an update

    I caught Song­bird’s updated (back in June) but had­n’t paid atten­tion to what was new with it. I wrote about the pre­vi­ous update here and loved the fact that Song­bird finally got watched folders. Well, it seems that in this latest update there was one sig­ni­fic­ant new fea­ture (for me). Song­bird added an Equal­izer. This is…

  • Atlantis on the Sun — Desktop Image

    I felt the need for a new desktop image for my com­puters, now that the Apollo 11 excite­ment has died down, and I was tir­ing of my Apollo 8 Earth­rise image. I found this neat shot of Atlantis trans­it­ing the Sun, by Thi­erry Legault. The fol­low­ing sizes at the NASA site: Full Size 1024×768 800×600 And…

  • Great Big Head up to his nose in snow

    With all the snow melt­ing it seemed that this Great Big Head was finally get­ting his head above the snow. Tomor­row’s fore­cast is more snow.

  • Top of the World Provincial Park (2008)

    I decided to take a scan through some pho­tos from earli­er this year. This one from our sum­mer vaca­tion stuck with me as one that I could play with. And I did. Using Light­room again. A bit of Sepia. A bit of dodging and burn­ing, and I’m rather pleased with the result. There’s an east­er egg…

  • Light streaks in heavy ice fog on a very cold winter night

    After a great Fri­day even­ing with our good friends, we returned home to find this incred­ible ice fog over the city. The fog caught the über-bright lights from a loc­al RV deal­er­ship, cre­at­ing this rather nifty light­ing effect.

  • Two resources for planning your lunar photography evening

    A friend poin­ted me to this BBC art­icle about tonight’s full moon. It seems that tonight’s full moon event will occur when the Moon is the closest it’s been to the earth (dur­ing a full moon) in 15 years. Well, methinks. A per­fect time to get out the pho­to­graphy and tele­scopy equip­ment and cap­ture this event. But…