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Great Big Head up to his nose in snow

With all the snow melt­ing it seemed that this Great Big Head was finally get­ting his head above the snow. Tomor­row’s fore­cast is more snow.

With all the snow melt­ing it seemed that this Great Big Head was finally get­ting his head above the snow. Tomor­row’s fore­cast is more snow.





2 responses to “Great Big Head up to his nose in snow”

  1. freddy Kontaktanzeigen Avatar
    freddy Kontaktanzeigen

    I am imp­resed by all that snow, nice pic­ture by the way.

    I come from France and last few weeks were very snowy in all west­ern Europe because of a siberi­an cold com­ing from the East. Par­is and Ber­lin where i am from were all white, here are pic­tures from a friend of mine that Iam pro­mot­ing in the mean time :


  2. bgrier (Brad Grier) Avatar

    Twit­ter Comment

    @swhitley @jangles @pearsonified Hmmm, set $postTrack­backs = ‘N’; but it’s still show­ing in Track­backs. Super­Cache OFF [link to post]

    — Pos­ted using Chat Catcher 

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