Category: Video

  • Totally Rockin’ Tubular Bells [Video]

    From the 1981 Montreux Jazz Fest­iv­al. A very cool ver­sion of Tubu­lar Bells that I’d missed until recently. Well worth a listen… Via Syn­thto­pia

  • How to make Stairway to Heaven on iOS devices

    Very cool video show­ing mul­ti­track audio soft­ware and instru­ment apps record­ing Led Zep­pelin’s Stair­way to Heav­en in mul­tiple passes.

  • Cute, now with more Star Wars

    Yeah, it’s a Super Bowl com­mer­cial, and it’s got Star Wars in it, but it’s cute. And this week needed more cute.

  • FX Photo Studio is a great addition to your iPad Darkroom

    It seems that new photo cap­ture and edit­ing tools for Apple’s iOS devices are being released every day. Often they’re aver­age qual­ity tools avail­able for a buck.

  • Planespotting — hardcore! [video]

    Short doc­u­ment­ary on some very determ­ined avi­ation enthusiasts. [via]

  • Boppin’ with the BeBot!

    iPad music and synth apps all seem to be try­ing to exactly rep­lic­ate the exper­i­ence of using a real syn­thes­izer or instru­ment, like Vir­tu­oso Piano 3 . Recently I dis­covered BeBot, an iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad music app that breaks that stereotype. Accord­ing to the developer, BeBot is: …Part syn­thes­izer, part anim­ated robot. Touch­ing the screen causes the robot to…

  • When is an iPad not an iPad?

    Ok, per­haps it is actu­ally “magic­al and revolu­tion­ary”. Or per­haps we’re just mov­ing toward the day that yes, there really is an app for that. Smart phones and tab­let com­puters are set to explode this year, but what will really move the hard­ware is innov­at­ive soft­ware cre­ated by developers who can see bey­ond the tra­di­tion­al fare…

  • iPad synth app takes on Tron: Legacy tune [video]

    Daft Punk’s track Derezzed as per­formed by the cool KORG iMS-20 app on the iPad. Show’s the power of these little pads:

  • iPad and iPhone used in Christmas Concert

    I’m always a suck­er for iPad and iPhone ‘instru­ment’ videos, so here’s anoth­er — an iBand per­form­ing at a com­munity church.  North Point’s iBand from North Point Web. Though the instru­ments are vir­tu­al, the musi­cian­ship is real. Well done!

  • Show your parents you care — tech style

    It’s highly likely that many of you, like me, are responsible for technical support of your families’ computer systems and internet connection. Earlier today I found a great little microsite (by Google) that’ll help you suppo...

  • US Space Shuttle Program Commemorated [Video]

    This has to be one of the best col­lec­tion of images of the US Space Shuttle Pro­gram any­where — built into a video that describes the pro­gram, tri­umphs and fail­ures. If you’ve got 45 minutes to spare, it’s worth a watch!

  • Emotionally gaming your Twitter stream?

    I’ve been watch­ing the devel­op­ment of Little­cosm, a new Twit­ter cli­ent with excite­ment as it’s one of a new breed that is apply­ing sen­ti­ment ana­lys­is to derive a res­ult — in this case your dis­pos­i­tion in a game. Emo­tion plays a huge part in Little­cosm.  Little­cosm ana­lyzes your tweets and fig­ures out if you’re in a…