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Category: Reviews

  • Reinventing the Walkie Talkie

    Back in the day, this kind of thing was what people used to talk to each oth­er over dis­tances, using radio waves. You were lim­ited by the power of the unit and the type and num­ber of obstacles between you and the per­son you were talk­ing with. And gen­er­ally, your con­ver­sa­tion could be over­heard by any­one…

  • Saving time with Text Replacement utilities

    I write a lot. Blog posts, pro­pos­als, reports, reviews, email…you get the pic­ture. Often times I end up cre­at­ing new doc­u­ments that share sim­il­ar format or con­tent, and I cut-and-paste from older docs into new­er ones. But I’m lazy, and always look­ing for easi­er ways to get the job done… I’m Lazy Over the past year…

  • Best Skins Ever — Perhaps

    I’m a bit prissy when it comes to my dis­play screens on my mobile devices and tech­no­logy. I like put­ting screen scratch pro­tect­ors on them. To pro­tect them. To give me the peace-of-mind that they’ll sur­vive the harsh treat­ment they get in my vari­ous bags and packs, and that the pro­tect­or, not the screen, will…

  • Remote control your computer from your iPad

    Some say that the iPad is a magic­al device. I won’t go that far, but it is kinda cool, though it does have its short­com­ings — espe­cially when you com­pare it to a desktop or laptop com­puter. There are just many things done much bet­ter on a com­puter than on an iPad, which is why…

  • Free and good? It’s for the birds!

    Actu­ally it’s for you and me, and I’m refer­ring to the free online suite of tools that flies under the Avi­ary ban­ner. Actu­ally, it’s more than a suite of tools, Avi­ary is also a com­munity by and for con­tent creators: At Avi­ary, we believe that every­one in the world should have access to power­ful cre­ation…

  • Making music on the iPad

    In the pre­vi­ous item I men­tioned that I’d not yet tested out Seline HD, an iPad app. Well, I have now, and yes, it really is quite cool. After fid­dling about with the inter­face for a bit, I was able to pull this little bit together. I must have been inspired by the few hours of…

  • Cute name. Cute scanner. Great value.

    I have two dogs, mini­ature Daschunds. They’re about 6 inches tall at the shoulder and about 14 inches longs. Wein­er dogs. Dox­ies. I now have a scan­ner, and it’s a Dox­ie too! It’s about 2 inches tall, and about 10 inches long. Appro­pri­ately named. But the name doesn’t do justice to the scan­ner itself. The Dox­ie is one cool…

  • One month with an iPad; some thoughts

    I’m two days shy of my first month with my 32GB 3G/WiFi iPad, and it’s time that I take a moment and jot down my thoughts about it so far. On band­width. Frankly I’m rather sur­prised at my band­width usage. My iPad is with me every­where, every day. I use it to keep in touch with…

  • Battery life of a Microbe

    My wife uses an expres­sion to describe bat­tery-powered tech­no­logy that runs out of juice before it ‘should’ — Bat­tery Life of a Flea, is how she describes it. Well, if you thought you had prob­lems with iPhone or iPod Touch bat­tery life before, the new iOS4 update will not make you happy. Accord­ing to many anec­dot­al…

  • Office 2010 Reviews coming soon, I promise..

    Today’s the day that Microsoft’s update to the ven­er­able Office pro­ductiv­ity suite is avail­able world wide, for pur­chase — the beta has been avail­able for over a year as an extens­ive pub­lic release / test. But I’ve not used Microsoft Office on my home com­puters since early 2000, elect­ing to go with Open Office and Google…

  • The well-equipped traveller is the ‘Envy’ of others

    Trav­el­ing with a laptop is always a bit of a chal­lenge, espe­cially if your flight exceeds 3 hours or so. That’s why I was rather inter­ested when I was offered the chance to check out the 15 inch HP Envy — espe­cially when I was allowed to take it on my recent vaca­tion to Hawaii. …more This…

  • Point and shoot — and hope you captured your subject

    Yes, this is anoth­er post about some cool tech that I took trav­el­ling with me on a recent vaca­tion to Maui. And yes, again I’m talk­ing about the Panason­ic DMC-TS2, a nifty point-and-shoot cam­era that I fell in love with in a pre­vi­ous post. This time, I’m going to talk about tak­ing the unit under…