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Office 2010 Reviews coming soon, I promise..

Today’s the day that Microsoft’s update to the ven­er­able Office pro­ductiv­ity suite is avail­able world wide, for pur­chase — the beta has been avail­able for over a year as an extens­ive pub­lic release / test. But I’ve not used Microsoft Office on my home com­puters since early 2000, elect­ing to go with Open Office and Google…

Today’s the day that Microsoft’s update to the ven­er­able Office pro­ductiv­ity suite is avail­able world wide, for pur­chase — the beta has been avail­able for over a year as an extens­ive pub­lic release / test.

But I’ve not used Microsoft Office on my home com­puters since early 2000, elect­ing to go with Open Office and Google Docs for my home doc­u­ment cre­ation software.

But, when I was offered an oppor­tun­ity to take a look at the release ver­sion of the Home & Busi­ness suite (the mid-priced and fea­tured pack­age) I thought this might be an oppor­tun­ity to see what’s changed since I stopped using the suite at home, and how this ver­sion might cause me to switch to Office for my daily,  albeit light, home-office tasks.

And that’s where we stand today. Office 2010 is now avail­able at retail, and I’m still work­ing through the applic­a­tions, and not yet ready to write about my experience.

But I will say this, so far, I’m really enjoy­ing the Office 2010 exper­i­ence.  Details will fol­low.


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