Category: On the web
Revisiting an old friend
It’s a new year, so the slate is clean and there’s lots of new things to try. Or old things that dropped off the radar to revisit. In my case, it’s photography and image processing. I used to enjoy working in a wet darkroom and watching images materialize on paper. That was years and many…
Speed up your Internet experience by using the right DNS server
Last week I saw this LifeHacker article (via AppleInsider) about NameBench, a window utility that tests the speed of your system’s DNS servers. And I was wondering if my DNS was as fast as it could be… Previously, I’d switched my DNS services over to OpenDNS, a free alternate DNS Provider that adds value as: Ultra-reliable, globally-distributed…
iPad and iPhone used in Christmas Concert
I’m always a sucker for iPad and iPhone ‘instrument’ videos, so here’s another — an iBand performing at a community church. North Point’s iBand from North Point Web. Though the instruments are virtual, the musicianship is real. Well done!
Show your parents you care — tech style
It’s highly likely that many of you, like me, are responsible for technical support of your families’ computer systems and internet connection. Earlier today I found a great little microsite (by Google) that’ll help you suppo...
Commerce in a post-Wikileaks economy
You’ve likely seen the news that Visa, Mastercard, PayPal and others are under distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks by folk who feel that WikiLeaks headman Julian Assange is being persecuted for distributing sensitive information he...
Keeping your holiday photos safe
The holiday season is upon us, which means that we’ll be enjoying time spent with family and friends. Many of us will grab our handy camera-enabled data phones and snap priceless shots that we’ll want to share, and keep for posterit...
Aliens + Tron = Nice!
I saw the new Tron trailer on the weekend — yes, can’t wait for the movie. Looks like pure brain / eye candy. And now for something completely different Aliens; Tron-o-fied.
Interesting business model for eBook
Earlier this week I found an eBook over on ZenHabits. The book looks interesting and I’m looking forward to giving it a read, but the think that caught my eye was the business model; you can get the book for free. The whole book, as a downloadable eBook. Free. Now, there is a Premium version…