It’s been a bit longer than I’d wanted, but I’ve finally gotten to wrapping up my first blog contest.
The premise was simple; tell me a backup horror story and you could win a Clickfree Transformer SE backup system. And some of you did tell me some pretty good stories.
Here’s some excerpts:
On Versioning:
Being an artist, during one of the more heated programmer debates I took a closer look at the SVN logs and discovered that indeed this guy had stealthily checked in something between our changes. Luckily for us, when you use a version repository system (software or hardware) you can roll back your changes to a previously uploaded state that’s stored on the device (since all the data gets saved for each change that is made). I gave this a try locally and quickly discovered what the problem was and relayed it to the rest of the team.
I had a stack of floppies (and my brother and mother had stacks of floppies at their houses) that could only be read by an Osborne computer and that I was the only person I knew who still used an Osborne computer.… so I went out and bought a backup Osborne. And sure enough, my computer died a month or so later. But I thought, no problem, I have my back up, and it survived long enough for me to upload everything to the UofA’s MTS system. There! Backuped on a mainframe, what could be more secure than that?
On offsite tape storage:
I put in a help ticket to request the tape. Unfortunately, it’ll take three weeks for the tapes to be retrieved. Ah well, that’s ok. My reports are not a 911 and I’m just happy my data is safe. Six (6) weeks later the tapes arrive and reveal my web logs cannot be restored from the backups. Data gone.
On luck:
Next, we realized that no one had ever attempted to do a restoration of the data. Upon further investigation we discovered that it wasn’t just a matter of people not having attempted it but that we couldn’t actually do a test restore on the old systems without affecting the production systems. Had we wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars in tapes in a vault that could be worthless?
Well, thanks to some great work by Larysa at Clickfree, we’ve got prizes for all the contest entrants. If you ‘ve not read the full entries then check out the comments on the entry post here.
Congratulations! I’ll be pinging the winners shortly 🙂
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