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In less than 24 hours I’ll be gaming for 24 hours to support CaliCan Rescue — Cheer me on!

Tomor­row night, Fri­day night, I’ll be start­ing a 24hr mara­thon gam­ing ses­sion to sup­port my friends at CaliC­an Res­cue. I’m one of the folk who’ve accep­ted the Play4Paws2 chal­lenge, so yeah, I’ll be gam­ing, catch­ing up on my gam­ing defi­cit over the last few months 😉 It’s been years Yeah, years since I stayed up ’round the…

Tomor­row night, Fri­day night, I’ll be start­ing a 24hr mara­thon gam­ing ses­sion to sup­port my friends at CaliC­an Res­cue. I’m one of the folk who’ve accep­ted the Play4Paws2 chal­lenge, so yeah, I’ll be gam­ing, catch­ing up on my gam­ing defi­cit over the last few months 😉

It’s been years

Yeah, years since I stayed up ’round the clock. More, actu­ally since I have to work tomor­row morn­ing, so I’ll likely be up over 36 hours. So I’m not sure what to expect, except that as my sleep-deprived brain tries to play games, you can bet that I’ll suck more as the even­ing wears on. Ah well.

UNDERDOGIt’s about the Underdog

Ok, so I’m look­ing for­ward to it, mostly, though the tired bit I’m dread­ing. But it’s not for me I’m doing this, I’m try­ing to raise funds to sup­port the organ­iz­a­tion that brought Bog­art and all the oth­er fosters into our (and oth­ers) lives. It’s about the people in an organ­iz­a­tion that works hard and cares about both the anim­als they res­cue from death row (yes, they pull from kill shel­ters), and they care about the people they match the dogs with. Amaz­ing work, amaz­ing people.

So yeah, in addi­tion to fos­ter­ing, donat­ing, encour­aging and pro­mot­ing, this is me try­ing to find anoth­er way to sup­port them. How ’bout it, can you help? Donate here. Bid on silent auc­tion items here.

Cheer me on

I’ll be Tweet­ing, Face­book updat­ing, and occa­sion­ally live stream­ing my gam­ing activ­ity. You can also help me out by keep­ing me going with encour­aging com­ments, posts, tweets, whatever. About 6am Sat­urday morn­ing I’ll need all the sup­port I can get 😀

Watch me go

Here’s my gam­ing sched­ule and the Twitch live stream. Not all games will be on com­puter and stream­able, but I may come up with a web­cam solu­tion that will feed to twitch. We’ll see.

Thanks for your support!

Really, without you help­ing me, this would­n’t make sense. I’ve also man­aged to get some sup­port from Bioware and Beam­dog to help you decide to help me. Check out the details here.



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