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Month: February 2015

  • A few bumps but we’re all right.

    Well the GameA­Thon got off to a bit of a bumpy start, with Twitch TV tem­por­ar­ily ban­ning me for not show­ing gam­ing con­tent. So now I’m stream­ing on You­Tube… had a bit of scram­bling around to hook it up but it’s done.  Gam­ing-wise, we loosely stuck to the sched­ule with Pathfind­er Adven­ture Card Game lead­ing off,…

  • In less than 24 hours I’ll be gaming for 24 hours to support CaliCan Rescue — Cheer me on!

    Tomor­row night, Fri­day night, I’ll be start­ing a 24hr mara­thon gam­ing ses­sion to sup­port my friends at CaliC­an Res­cue. I’m one of the folk who’ve accep­ted the Play4Paws2 chal­lenge, so yeah, I’ll be gam­ing, catch­ing up on my gam­ing defi­cit over the last few months 😉 It’s been years Yeah, years since I stayed up ’round the…

  • A Classic Dungeon Crawling Silent Auction — for charity!

    Thanks to the kind friends at Beam­dog I’m able to up the ante for incent­ives to my spon­sors of my 24hr game-a-thon par­ti­cip­a­tion in Play4Paws2 — sup­port­ing CaliC­an Res­cue Found­a­tion. Butt Kicking, for Goodness! Bal­dur’s Gate. Bal­dur’s Gate II: Shad­ows of Amn, Icewind Dale. These games hold a spe­cial place in my heart. I was at…

  • Can I buy your support? It’s for a great cause.

    Update: Beam­dog just dog-piled on with 6 clas­sic Dun­geons & Dragons games! I’ve added my Gam­ing Sched­ule. If you read this post (I’m Crazy and I’m gam­ing for 24 hours for an amaz­ing cause! Spon­sor Me!) then you know that I’m doing a bit of fun­drais­ing for my favour­ite dog res­cue — CaliC­an Res­cue. But I’ve…

  • SpaceX’s Falcon 9 lands ‘nicely vertical’ within 10 meters of target … in the ocean

    And that’s how it’s done. SpaceX’s Fal­con 9 came back to Earth after a suc­cess­ful launch today, land­ing in the ocean with­in 10 meters of its actu­al tar­get. And though it didn’t make the plat­form as ori­gin­ally inten­ded, the com­pany thinks that absent rough weath­er, the rock­et have worked as planned. “Rock­et soft-landed in the ocean with­in…

  • This takes the cake: To the audiophile, this $10,000 Ethernet cable apparently makes sense

    Wow. This is some ser­i­ously messed up lan­guage used to describe ‘premi­um-grade’ Audio Eth­er­net cables — yes, you read that right, Eth­er­net cables for the Audi­o­phile mar­ket. My word… All insu­la­tion slows down the sig­nal on the con­duct­or inside. When insu­la­tion is unbiased, it slows down parts of the sig­nal dif­fer­ently, a big prob­lem for very…

  • I’m Crazy and I’m gaming for 24 hours for an amazing cause! Sponsor Me!

    Update: Beam­dog just dog-piled on with 6 clas­sic Dun­geons & Dragons games! Bioware just jumped in to sup­port me! Cool prizes for donors. I’ve added my Gam­ing Sched­ule. I’m kinda into gam­ing — y’all know that. And I’m into my dogs — ya’ll know that too. So when an oppor­tun­ity like this popped up, I could­n’t…

  • Expected: Keurig’s attempt to ‘DRM’ its coffee cups totally backfired

    I’m amazed that someone thought that apply­ing DRM to a cof­fee machine was a good idea. Using single-use dis­pos­able cof­fee pods is not great for the envir­on­ment — we use a refil­lable pod, which would be locked out under the Keur­ig 2.0 system. Con­sumers hate DRM — in music, in movies, in any­thing — but…