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Adobe Creative Suite 6 Kicks!

If you’re doing any­thing at all cre­at­ive with your com­puter, you’re likely aware of the excel­lent suite of cre­at­ive tools from Adobe (coin­cid­ent­ally called the Adobe Cre­at­ive Suite). Well earli­er today, Adobe announced a huge upgrade to the suite, Adobe Cre­at­ive Suite 6 — CS6 — which con­tains a lot of new fea­tures to all products…


If you’re doing any­thing at all cre­at­ive with your com­puter, you’re likely aware of the excel­lent suite of cre­at­ive tools from Adobe (coin­cid­ent­ally called the Adobe Cre­at­ive Suite).

Well earli­er today, Adobe announced a huge upgrade to the suite, Adobe Cre­at­ive Suite 6 — CS6 — which con­tains a lot of new fea­tures to all products with­in the suite and is also designed to drive Adobe users to their new sub­scrip­tion-based (and also announced today) Cre­at­ive Cloud service

Aimed at the ser­i­ous cre­at­ive hob­bi­est or pro­fes­sion­al, Adobe Cre­at­ive Suite has long con­tained many of the industry-stand­ard cre­at­ive tools includ­ing Pho­toshop and Illustrator.

Creative_Suite_6_Design_Standard_mnemonic_RGB_300px.jpgAnd if you’ve been using an older ver­sion of Adobe Cre­at­ive Suite, here’s some of the new fea­ture you’ll find in CS6.

  • Con­tent-Aware image retouch­ing tools
    Retouch images with stun­ning res­ults in Pho­toshop Exten­ded. Use the Remix tool to move a selec­tion with auto-recom­pose and blend. Con­tent-Aware Patch lets you con­trol patch samples.
  • Flu­id grid lay­out for mobile devices
    Design and devel­op con­fid­ently for mobile devices with advanced tools in Dream­weaver CS6, includ­ing CSS3-based lay­outs that scale respons­ively to vir­tu­ally all screen sizes and form factors.
  • Glob­al Per­form­ance Cache
    Cre­ate more in less time with unpre­ced­en­ted 64-bit Per­form­ance. This revolu­tion “under the hood” makes After Effects CS6 fast and respons­ive by tak­ing full advant­age of the power in your computer’s hardware.
  • Extraordin­ary image editing
    Use the Mix­er Brush and Bristle Tips in Pho­toshop CS6 Exten­ded to explore life­like, nat­ur­ally tex­tured paint­ing. Add dimen­sion to your imagery with 3D extru­sions using Adobe Repoussé tech­no­logy, and make pre­cise image selec­tions with Truer Edge technology.
  • Inter­act­ive doc­u­ments and presentations
    Cre­ate mem­or­able doc­u­ments and present­a­tions with inter­activ­ity, motion, sound, and video in InDes­ign CS6. Enhance lay­outs with rich media using motion pre­sets and sup­port for FLV and MP3 audio file import to engage your audiences.

As with pre­vi­ous CS releases, Adobe has bundled tools into vari­ous con­fig­ur­a­tions and pri­cing. Accord­ing to Adobe’s news release, CS6 and Cre­at­ive Cloud will be avail­able with­in 30 days — we’ll update this post when we have pre­cise details on their arrival and pri­cing at Future Shop.

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