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Tag: Adobe

  • Adobe Creative Suite 6 Kicks!

    If you’re doing any­thing at all cre­at­ive with your com­puter, you’re likely aware of the excel­lent suite of cre­at­ive tools from Adobe (coin­cid­ent­ally called the Adobe Cre­at­ive Suite). Well earli­er today, Adobe announced a huge upgrade to the suite, Adobe Cre­at­ive Suite 6 — CS6 — which con­tains a lot of new fea­tures to all products…

  • Three essential PDF readers for iPad

    A while ago I wrote about ways to read PDF files on your iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad. Well that post is show­ing it’s age, so rather than com­pletely redo it, I thought I’d dis­cuss my cur­rent three top PDF read­ers, and why. GoodRead­er GoodRead­er is my first choice, go-to PDF read­er on my iPad. First off,…

  • Checking out library books on your eReader?

    Got a Sony eReader and use the Sony Reader store? Well check out the little blue & white box in the right-hand sidebar on the page. Yep, you read correctly -- you can check out books from the library and read them on your eReader.

  • Adobe makes magic — CS5 Content Aware Fill

    I could describe it, but it’s much easi­er to watch the video below and con­sider the possibilities. This is likely the one good reas­on for me to upgrade my CS suite 🙂

  • It was a dark and stormy morning

    It’s been said that the best cam­era is the one you have with you — heck it’s even the title of a book on iPhone photography. Which makes sense, because you can eas­ily stumble across a nifty scene, as I did here, and not be able to cap­ture it if you don’t have a cam­era…

  • How to view PDF and other files on your iPhone and iPod Touch

    This art­icle was ori­gin­ally writ­ten in April 2009. A few new apps have appeared since then, but one, GoodRead­er is now my daily go-to PDF read­er right now. I touch on a few of the new apps here, includ­ing GoodRead­er, but you’ll be back on this page if you want to check out Stanza — a…

  • Top of the World Provincial Park (2008)

    I decided to take a scan through some pho­tos from earli­er this year. This one from our sum­mer vaca­tion stuck with me as one that I could play with. And I did. Using Light­room again. A bit of Sepia. A bit of dodging and burn­ing, and I’m rather pleased with the result. There’s an east­er egg…