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Portal 2: Cute video!

Yeah, after play­ing Portal through a few times, both on the Xbox and the PC, I was happy to see that Portal 2 will be arriv­ing on shelves in the new year. If this video is any indic­a­tion, it’s going to be quite fun — espe­cially with co-op mode.

Yeah, after play­ing Portal through a few times, both on the Xbox and the PC, I was happy to see that Portal 2 will be arriv­ing on shelves in the new year. If this video is any indic­a­tion, it’s going to be quite fun — espe­cially with co-op mode.



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5 responses to “Portal 2: Cute video!”

  1. […] Portal 2: Cute video! | Brad Gri­er – Life­style Tech­no­logy Blog … Cat­egory: Uncat­egor­izedTags: portal > the-soon-to-be-released > […]

  2. Katharine Avatar

    I’m get­ting a “this video has been removed due to terms of use viol­a­tion” mes­sage when I try to view it. :/

    1. Brad Grier Avatar

      Yikes! Thanks for point­ing that out — it was work­ing earli­er 🙁 I’ve found the ‘offi­cial’ ver­sion of this trail­er so it should work now 🙂

  3. Katharine Avatar

    Thanks for updat­ing it! I’ll def­in­itely pass the word along. 🙂

  4. Brad Grier Avatar

    Yeah, Portal was a blast. Now with co-op, it’ll be cool to play with friends 🙂

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