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Month: July 2010

  • Friday Video: Now with more me!

    So you likely know that I’m work­ing with some friends on a little pro­ject called Empire Aven­ue. Well, Tom, our PR guy, decided that we needed a new video to help people under­stand it, us, and everything. And it had to have us in it, on camera. So here’s the video, with some of the…

  • Saving time when setting up your new computer or data device

    When you buy a new com­puter, or oth­er digit­al device, or you install a new oper­at­ing sys­tem from scratch and have a nice shiny-clean and empty hard drive, you’ve actu­ally just star­ted what can be a some­what lengthy and prob­lem­at­ic pro­cess to update and cus­tom­ize your device. Unless you do a little work ahead of…

  • Don’t try this at home…

    Earli­er this week it was rather warm in Edmon­ton. So much so that my wife and I moved our home office out­side to our shaded patio. With our dogs, and a few adult bever­ages (some of you can already see where this is going). …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly…

  • This is the week that was

    Things seem to be calm­ing down as we get to the mid-sum­mer tech doldrums. Unless you’re Apple, in which case you’re find­ing your­self giv­ing away free iPhone 4 cases, dis­cuss­ing antenna issues, and giv­ing soft­ware to museums. Read on, gentle read­er… …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the…

  • Securing your data just got easier

    Yes­ter­day TrueCrypt sent out a news release announ­cing the latest ver­sion of their per­son­al secur­ity and pri­vacy soft­ware. And in this age of pri­vacy prob­lems and iden­tity theft, safe data is some­thing we all need. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the…

  • On the radio…

    Earli­er this week I had great fun! CBC Edmon­ton­’s Peter Brown (who reg­u­larly hosts the after­noon drive-time pro­gram Radio Act­ive) inter­viewed me for a series on Edmon­ton blog­gers and pod­casters called E‑Pinion. We chat­ted about this blog, what got me into blog­ging, life­style tech­no­logy etc. And I men­tioned my Mom a couple of times too. For…

  • Blown away by the power of ‘Free’

    In the com­puter / tech space these days, it seems that free is rather com­mon­place; free OS, free apps, free cloud ser­vices etc. Free tools. Therein lies the power if we choose to recog­nize it. Ahh, but the kids these days; they just don’t real­ize how good they have it. I’m sure you’ve all heard…

  • This is the week that was

    A little bit of spice, Old Spice to be exact, and a whole lot of mobile phone phys­ics and Apple bash­ing happened this week. Sil­ver Fish Hand Catch! …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.

  • Short, sweet, entertaining, and over.

    Old Spice Guy is done…for now. The Inter­net sen­sa­tion dom­in­ated this week’s social media and mar­ket­ing  buzz by provid­ing an awe­somely enter­tain­ing and enga­ging video cam­paign; the Old Spice Guy dir­ectly respon­ded to tweets and oth­er com­ments in social media ser­vices through short You­Tube videos. As all good things must end, so too does this…

  • Social Media Sensation: the Old Spice Guy?

    By now you’ve likely seen the Old Spice Super­bowl ad where a buff and attract­ive spe­ci­men of the male­ness man­euvers through a highly improb­able selec­tion of scenes, while speak­ing well-writ­ten and witty prose pro­mot­ing him­self as ‘the man your man could smell like’. It’s an awe­some spot because it’s fun, seems highly improb­able, and is irrev­er­ent.…

  • 5 things I (fill in the blank) about Twitter

    Many people have a love / hate rela­tion­ship with this social media staple, so I thought I’d take a look at 5 of the things that most people either appre­ci­ate or vil­i­fy. Or maybe it’s just me 🙂 …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log.…

  • This is the week that was

    Spain wins! In oth­er news, Microsoft and Apple are at it again. And Justin Bieber is actu­ally mak­ing the tech news…sigh. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.