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Saving time when setting up your new computer or data device

When you buy a new com­puter, or oth­er digit­al device, or you install a new oper­at­ing sys­tem from scratch and have a nice shiny-clean and empty hard drive, you’ve actu­ally just star­ted what can be a some­what lengthy and prob­lem­at­ic pro­cess to update and cus­tom­ize your device. Unless you do a little work ahead of…

When you buy a new com­puter, or oth­er digit­al device, or you install a new oper­at­ing sys­tem from scratch and have a nice shiny-clean and empty hard drive, you’ve actu­ally just star­ted what can be a some­what lengthy and prob­lem­at­ic pro­cess to update and cus­tom­ize your device. Unless you do a little work ahead of time… …more

This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.







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