Month: February 2010
Did the Monkey steal the crown?
Last year I delcared Songbird, the multi-platform media player and organizer the Best Music Player Ever. Now, there’s a challenger for the title, at least in the Windows / PC arena; MediaMonkey. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techblog. Check out the full post here.
A pound of eBooks
Over the weekend some comments raised good points about longevity of media. It was on a post about Microsoft planning to shut down Xbox Live for the original Xbox gaming console. This got me thinking that I’d kinda heard these arguments before. Perhaps applied to different systems, maybe even to different technology, but they weren’t…
This is the week that was
Lots of stuff happened with the big boys this week. Webmasters of the world rejoice as Microsoft’s IE6 takes a hit from Google…and more! …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techblog. Check out the full post here.
Not iBooks. eBooks!
eBooks are going to be bigger than ever in the coming months, especially since Apple’s recently announced its iBooks ebook store. It’s pure speculation on my part, but I’m thinking that in the coming months with the launch of the iPad, iBooks will also be available for the iPhone and iPod touch… …more This post…
My wife stole an amazing iPod Touch case from me
Yep, the other day I got this cool iPod Touch case — cool because it’s one of the Proporta Alu-Leather line of cases that I first looked at when I needed a new case for my Palm T|X. That case, a little worn, is still rockin’ though. It’s about the case This nifty little holder is…
Mama’s got a Squeezebox
When I was offered a chance to review the Logitech Squeezebox Radio, I believe my exact response was ‘hell yeah!’, because this thing exemplifies a geek gadget. But wait, it looks like an appliance… …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techblog. Check out the full…
Brad’s first blog contest — backup horror stories
And we’re done. I’ve received some excellent entries in the Backup Horror Story contest. Give ’em a read below, and feel free to add your comments too. And of course, feel free to share your horror story too, but sadly, this contest is closed. Welcome to the first (of hopefully) many contest I’d like to…