Back in the early days of blogging, before podcasting and Twitter and all this new fangled stuff, there was a trend amongst bloggers to occasionally do posts about the sites that have all the cool tech listings and news, as well as the cool people behind the sites.
These days, on Twitter, that kind of a shout out is formalized as #followfriday, or #ff for short.
I think it’s a shame that this trend has fallen by the wayside on blogs, so I’m going to do my small part to give it a kickstart by sharing a few of the blogs, bloggers and sites that keep me doing my thing.
Techmeme — likely one of the biggest names in tech news:
Techmeme arranges all of these links into a single, easy-to-scan page. Story selection is accomplished via computer algorithm extended with direct human editorial input.
Our goal is for Techmeme to become your tech news site of record.
For me, Techmeme is the pulse of Tech as it happens. Good to check in to, every couple of hours or so 🙂
Lifehacker — cool tricks and hacks to make your daily life a bit easier:
an award-winning daily blog that features tips, shortcuts, and downloads that help you get things done smarter and more efficiently.
Mashable — a great resource for tech news that matters. Usually first to have news and relevant commentary.
Mashable is the world’s largest blog focused exclusively on Web 2.0 and Social Media news. With more than 15 million monthly pageviews, Mashable is the most prolific blog reviewing new Web sites and services, publishing breaking news on what’s new on the web and offering social media resources and guides.
Ars Technica — a little slow with the breaking news, but awesome when it comes to detailed analysis of news and issues.
At Ars Technica—the name is Latin-derived for the “art of technology”—we specialize in original news and reviews, analysis of technology trends, and expert advice on topics ranging from the most fundamental aspects of technology to the many ways technology is helping us enjoy our world. We work for the reader who not only needs to keep up on technology, but is passionate about it.
So these are a few of my prime resources, what’re yours? Which sites are your must-go-to sites when you need to find out more about a tech topic?
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