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Lego Christmas ornaments

What would Christ­mas be without dec­or­a­tions, and Lego! The two just go togeth­er like peas and carrots. Since the loc­al Toys ‘R Us is across the street, I found these two items  just inside the door. How could I resist 🙂 What bet­ter way to bright­en up a drab grey office cube. They’re small, descrete, yet…

What would Christ­mas be without dec­or­a­tions, and Lego! The two just go togeth­er like peas and carrots.

Since the loc­al Toys ‘R Us is across the street, I found these two items  just inside the door. How could I resist 🙂

What bet­ter way to bright­en up a drab grey office cube. They’re small, descrete, yet festive.

Lego TreeLego Snowman

Yes, I’m a suck­er for Lego.







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