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Month: November 2009

  • 7 nifty things about windows 7

    Win­dow 7 has been avail­able at retail for a couple of weeks now, so I thought I’d use this post to explore some of the cool­er fea­tures and func­tions, cool­er to me, at least 🙂 And, of course, when you select fea­tures to pro­file, a nice round num­ber is always a bonus… …more This post…

  • Going back in time with Windows 7

    Ever wish you could undo a par­tic­u­lar driver or applic­a­tion install­a­tion? I have, recently in fact when I installed Adobe CS3 on my wife’s Win­dows 7 /XP dual-boot com­puter. Some­thing happened in that install that pooched the Flash plu­gin for Inter­net Explorer. It could have been a bad scene, except for a cool little fea­ture…

  • This is the week that was…

    The Wave tsunami tamed by fol­low­ers. Microsoft slam­ming the door on Xbox mods. Apple open­ing the door to ‘enforced advert­ising’. Twit­ter tim­id about ReTweets. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.

  • Some cool retro posters

    The fol­low­ing post is a Quick­Hit™ — an art­icle or post I found online and thought was import­ant enough to share dir­ectly with you. Of course, you’ll see my thoughts or opin­ions pre­pen­ded or appen­ded to this post, oth­er­wise I’m just scrap­ing con­tent, and that’s not the intent. It seems today my online path was…

  • Friday the 13th: Refuge in the backup

    Ok, it’s a lousy title for a movie, but it is a great remind­er to review and execute your data backup strategies, both at home and online. Why Fri­day the 13th? Simply, it’s a day-date com­bin­a­tion that hap­pens infre­quently, almost ad-hoc. When it does occur, you can eas­ily plan to take time out to per­form your…

  • Portable computing with Portable Apps

    Not every­one wants to lug a laptop around with them between classes or across town to a study ses­sion at the lib­rary. Or per­haps you’re mov­ing between a work com­puter, your home com­puter and a remote work­s­ite com­puter, yet want to make sure you’ve got your suite of reg­u­lar-use tools at hand (’cause you cer­tainly…

  • It’s not the size, it’s what you do with it

    Some of you prob­ably suf­fer from the same prob­lem that I have; it’s just not big enough. Sure, you con­fide in your close friends, they all nod sym­path­et­ic­ally, tell you that ‘size isn’t import­ant’, yet really, we all know that it is. Espe­cially when we’re talk­ing about hard drives in Net­books! …more This post is…

  • How to easily install essential applications on a new Windows 7 computer

    It does­n’t mat­ter if you’ve upgraded from Vista or XP, or if you’ve bought a new Win­dows 7 based com­puter, you’re going to need to install some basic and essen­tial applic­a­tions on your new baby. And this awe­some web­site makes it so, SO easy. 4 easy steps: Vis­it the site Select which applic­a­tions you want Press the but­ton to…

  • This is the week that was

    Pot­pourri. That’s the word I’d use to describe the news from the web this week. A real mélange (oh, anoth­er good word) of themes, with fruty scents, hint­ing at the onset of the hol­i­day buy­ing sea­son. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out…

  • Getting Twitter Spam? Here’s how I deal with it

    This is the second part of a post series I star­ted a few days ago, deal­ing with Twit­ter spam. How to avoid becom­ing a Twit­ter spam­mer [part one] How to deal with Twit­ter spam [this article] What got me think­ing about it was the recent spate of incom­ing DM tweets from trus­ted people I fol­low. I received…

  • Old school dungeon crawling on the iPhone

    Last week Torch­light was released. Future Shop Techb­log­ger Mat­thew Kumar wrote a great over­view of the game. But there was a time, way back in the last cen­tury, when sim­il­ar com­puter games were played without the bene­fit of 3D graph­ic cards, Dolby Sur­round Sound, or mice and gamepad macro pro­gram­ming applic­a­tions. Strap your­self into the…

  • Want to get more ReTweets (RT)?

    I just had a quick con­ver­sa­tion with a friend about ReTweets. Not enough for a full blog post, but an idea I did­n’t want to not write about. The concept is to leave enough room so that any­one who wants to retweet you does­n’t have to work to do it. Here’s a simple for­mula I use: 140 -…