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Portable computing with Portable Apps

Not every­one wants to lug a laptop around with them between classes or across town to a study ses­sion at the lib­rary. Or per­haps you’re mov­ing between a work com­puter, your home com­puter and a remote work­s­ite com­puter, yet want to make sure you’ve got your suite of reg­u­lar-use tools at hand (’cause you cer­tainly…

Not every­one wants to lug a laptop around with them between classes or across town to a study ses­sion at the lib­rary. Or per­haps you’re mov­ing between a work com­puter, your home com­puter and a remote work­s­ite com­puter, yet want to make sure you’ve got your suite of reg­u­lar-use tools at hand (’cause you cer­tainly can­’t guar­an­tee they’ll be installed on com­puters you don’t con­trol). This is where the concept of the ‘port­able applic­a­tion’ comes to the res­cue. …more

This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.





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