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Month: November 2009

  • Use It and Lose It!

    As our Amer­ic­an friends leave tur­key-day behind them, and the food filled hol­i­day sea­son approaches, I thought I’d take a look at Lose It! a well made little iPhone app. that has much more under the hood than a first glance reveals. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on…

  • Why I’m not recommending an eBook reader this Christmas

    This hol­i­day sea­son it seems that the eBook read­er is the must-have tech gift. I can under­stand why: Port­able — it’s easi­er to carry one eRead­er loaded with a few hun­dred (or thou­sand!) books Search­able — some of the eRead­ers can  scan and search for text pas­sages, let­ting you book­mark them for future reference Annota­tions — in…

  • Things to do with your new iPad, iPod Touch or iPhone

    Black Fri­day has come and gone, and you’ve likely got a new gad­get, gizmo or toy — I’m going to assume it’s an iPod Touch or iPhone — which is a per­fect oppor­tun­ity for me to dig into my archives and pull out a few posts that may help you and your new baby. 5 favour­ite…

  • This is the week that was

    Print vs Google — are news­pa­pers dead, dying or play­ing catch­up? Google Wave, con­fus­ing, but we like it, we think. Tobacco is haz­ard­ous to your Apple? …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.

  • More fun with Lego and YouTube — Lego Matrix

    The fol­low­ing post is a Quick­Hit™ — an art­icle or post I found online and thought was import­ant enough to share dir­ectly with you. Of course, you’ll see my thoughts or opin­ions pre­pen­ded or appen­ded to this post, oth­er­wise I’m just scrap­ing con­tent, and that’s not the intent. Just a clip of the amaz­ing bul­let-dodge…

  • A great tool if you’re writing on a deadline

    All righty then. Just fin­ished up a cool con­ver­sa­tion with a dude that I have to meet with later to fig­ure out some stuff. Now, I guess I’ll keep plug­ging away at writ­ing, nay, test­ing Write or Die, a tim­ing and word­count inter­face that helps focus your writ­ing by impos­ing lim­it­a­tions and con­sequences on your writing.…

  • Queen + Muppets = Rhaposody (of the Bohemian kind)

    The fol­low­ing post is a Quick­Hit™ — an art­icle or post I found online and thought was import­ant enough to share dir­ectly with you. Of course, you’ll see my thoughts or opin­ions pre­pen­ded or appen­ded to this post, oth­er­wise I’m just scrap­ing con­tent, and that’s not the intent. This made the rounds yes­ter­day, but I…

  • How to add a network activity monitor to Windows 7

    I like Win­dows 7. But there’s one thing that I noticed miss­ing right off the top, a net­work activ­ity mon­it­or in the Taskbar. Sure, you could ad a gadget/widget thingie to the desktop, but when you’re work­ing on some­thing, odds are you’re at full-screen resoulu­tion and the mon­it­or is behind whatever y ou’re work­ing on. Well,…

  • Blogging is nothing to be afraid of

    Though the name Blog sounds hor­rible; per­haps the name of a large pool of dank, dark, brack­ish water that even­tu­ally spawns a mon­ster so hor­rible, only the most stal­wart of cleft-chinned her­oes could pos­sibly defeat it, Blog­ging really is noth­ing to fear. Really… …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts…

  • On Books. Information objects of pulp, ink, leather and glue.

    Lately I’ve been test­ing, review­ing and think­ing about eBooks and eBook read­ers, which has got me to won­der­ing about the value of a ‘real’ book, the dead-tree kind. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here. XJAQ4AZDSF5T

  • Cool! Online lighting diagram creator — photography

    The fol­low­ing post is a Quick­Hit™ — an art­icle or post I found online and thought was import­ant enough to share dir­ectly with you. Of course, you’ll see my thoughts or opin­ions pre­pen­ded or appen­ded to this post, oth­er­wise I’m just scrap­ing con­tent, and that’s not the intent. I’m look­ing for tools to help me…

  • This is the week that was

    Woot! A new OS for ALL fla­vours of com­puter. And the Social Media must-have game makes it to more Cana­dian cit­ies. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.