This is the second part of a post series I started a few days ago, dealing with Twitter spam.
- How to avoid becoming a Twitter spammer [part one]
- How to deal with Twitter spam [this article]
What got me thinking about it was the recent spate of incoming DM tweets from trusted people I follow. I received another one this morning.
I’m coming at it from the perspective that it’s not deliberate. Rather, these unwitting spammer’s have fallen victim to diabolically-crafted account phishing schemes and their Twitter accounts are now compromised and sending spam without the real account owner’s knowledge. As such, I always give owners of spamming accounts the benefit of the doubt, once. Only once.
Part Two — How to deal with Twitter spam
If it’s a normally trusted user sending spam DMs
A spam DM (Direct Message) can only come from someone you follow. You can only reply via DM if you, in turn, follow that account. This is why it’s such a disappointment when you receive spam from a trusted source…but remember, at this point we believe the account has been compromised.
The process I use is rather simple yet it gives the account owner a chance to:
- recover control of the account,
- let their followers know what’s happening,
- continue to be a responsible member of the Twitter community.
Alert the spamming account
First contact the spamming account. I do this through DM to allow them to safe face, and deal with the issue in their own way and timeframe.
- Let them know the account has been compromised
- Ask them to change their password, so the spammer can’t get back in
- Ask them to review outgoing DMs to see who was spammed, to alert their community and verify that they indeed did send the spam
- Ask them to check their ‘approved app relationships’ that they’ve given account access to. This is usually personality quiz or ‘What Hero Are You’ type apps. If something is suspect, revoke the apps access.
Here’s what I usually send, via DM:
I think your account has been compromised - just sent me 'quiz' spam. Check your Sent DM, change PW, & review Settings/Connections
Non DM ‘Mention’ spam
If you notice a tweet or RT (ReTweet) that has your twitter name mentioned, but a spammy shortened link in the body (not one you’d used) run, do not walk to your DM panel.
Your tweet was harvested and hijacked by spammers. The content was altered to include the spam shortlink, making it look like you sent the original tweet.
Send a DM to @spam with the account name. Twitter folk will deal with the account. And let your followers know that a previous tweet was hijacked. You will, of course, need to follow @spam (which is kinda weird) but it works 🙂
So, as far as Twitter spam goes, that’s how I roll. How ’bout you? Do you have any cool or crafty techniques you use to deal with spam?
There’re two parts to this subject, which logically means that I’ll deal with it in two posts:
- How to avoid becoming a Twitter spammer
- How to deal with Twitter spam
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