Tag: Security

  • Norton Identity Safe — a personal online security suite

    In this increas­ingly secur­ity con­scious online world, con­sciously prac­ti­cing online secur­ity is becom­ing more and more dif­fi­cult. How many of us use the same pass­word, or set of pass­words for many of our online activ­it­ies? Or look have soft­ware license keys stored in ran­dom loc­a­tions? And have yet anoth­er browser app or plu­gin to help…

  • Commerce in a post-Wikileaks economy

    You’ve likely seen the news that Visa, Mastercard, PayPal and others are under distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks by folk who feel that WikiLeaks headman Julian Assange is being persecuted for distributing sensitive information he...

  • Keeping the Internet safe, one browser at a time

    Microsoft’s Inter­net Explorer browser has­n’t been my daily work browser for many years, and I can­’t see that chan­ging any­time soon. There are many reas­ons that I’m not going to go into, but these days it’s mostly about what I’m famil­i­ar with. From the sat­is­fac­tion num­bers I’ve seen, IE is still quite the power­house browser-of-choice…

  • The browser you’re using right now is actually tracking your online activity

    An inter­est­ing news release by the Elec­troinc Fron­ti­er Found­a­tion last week shows that anonym­ous web surf­ing may not be as anonym­ous as pre­vi­ously thought. Due to each browser­’s unique char­ac­ter­ist­ics and con­fig­ur­a­tion (fonts avail­able, screen size, IP related inform­a­tion etc) it seems that many browsers cre­ate a unique ‘fin­ger­print’ that can be used to track…

  • Getting Twitter Spam? Here’s how I deal with it

    This is the second part of a post series I star­ted a few days ago, deal­ing with Twit­ter spam. How to avoid becom­ing a Twit­ter spam­mer [part one] How to deal with Twit­ter spam [this article] What got me think­ing about it was the recent spate of incom­ing DM tweets from trus­ted people I fol­low. I received…

  • How to avoid becoming a Twitter spammer, the easy way

    Over the last few weeks I’ve been receiv­ing spam on Twit­ter from trus­ted people I follow. It’s not that they’ve all been over­come by the need to mon­et­ize their Twit­ter accounts (there, I said mon­et­ize in a blog post, I’m doomed), rather, they’ve fallen vic­tim to diabol­ic­ally-craf­ted account phish­ing schemes and their Twit­ter accounts are…

  • How to use a webcam as a home security camera

    Over the years as I’ve acquired vari­ous bits of hard­ware, I’ve some­how ended up with a few ‘extra’ web­cams. Not really want­ing them to lan­guish in my parts bin, I figured I’d take a stab at set­ting them up as home secur­ity cam­er­as. And, I wanted to check out what my dogs were up to…