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Citizen Journalism cuts out the middleman

Over at the Future Shop Techb­log I pos­ted this item about the dif­fer­ence between journ­al­ism 40years ago (when we were land­ing on the moon) and today. The upshot is that the Tech is cut­ting out the middle­man, and mak­ing journ­al­ism more access­ible to everyone. But is it qual­ity journ­al­ism? Does hav­ing a J‑school sheep­skin really…

Over at the Future Shop Techb­log I pos­ted this item about the dif­fer­ence between journ­al­ism 40years ago (when we were land­ing on the moon) and today.

The upshot is that the Tech is cut­ting out the middle­man, and mak­ing journ­al­ism more access­ible to everyone.

But is it qual­ity journ­al­ism? Does hav­ing a J‑school sheep­skin really mat­ter when it comes to report­ing the news? I think hav­ing the papers is import­ant, but not essential.

Check out the post, and leave your thoughts in the comments.


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