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Installing Eeebuntu on my eeePC

You may remem­ber this post where I waxed poet­ic on the some­what-easy install­a­tion of Easy Peasy Ubuntu on my eeePC 8G (it’s a 701). Well, believe it or not, I’ve nuked Easy Peasy and am now run­ning Eee­buntu…and the install was even easier! What got it all star­ted was this post about the ‘base edi­tion’…

You may remem­ber this post where I waxed poet­ic on the some­what-easy install­a­tion of Easy Peasy Ubuntu on my eeePC 8G (it’s a 701). Well, believe it or not, I’ve nuked Easy Peasy and am now run­ning Eee­buntu…and the install was even easier!

What got it all star­ted was this post about the ‘base edi­tion’ of Eee­buntu. This sec­tion caught my eye:

To accom­mod­ate the vari­ous cap­ab­il­it­ies of the vast Eee product line, Eee­buntu comes in three dif­fer­ent ISOs: Eee­buntu Stand­ard, Net­book Remix, and Base. A week and a half ago, Eee­buntu released ver­sion 3.0 of its Base edi­tion, the light­est and tight­est of the three ISOs.

And since I was some­what dis­ap­poin­ted by the speed of Easy Peasy, and Ubuntu was now two ver­sions new­er than my cur­rent install, I thought it was time to update.

So, by fol­low­ing these simple instruc­tions to set up my USB stick, installing Eee­buntu went flaw­lessly. And it took much less time than my ini­tial Easy Peasy install. I’m a happy camper.

As the Eee­Buntu site men­tions, Eee­buntu Base is the bare-bones oper­at­ing system.

…is the smal­lest, light­est and most stripped down of the three ISO’s. Apart from Gnome and its usu­al con­fig­ur­a­tion applic­a­tions, Fire­fox, restric­ted extras and the Eee­con­fig­ure applic­a­tion, there’s little else, which means it’s up to you to add as few or as many as you need.

Which means that even on my first-gen­er­a­tion net­book, it’s much faster than the Easy Peasy, XP, or even the ori­gin­al Linux OS who’s name I can­’t remem­ber right now.

Time will tell how it works out, but so far, for simple net­book tasks, it’s a champ.



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