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Month: June 2009

  • TweetDeck — now with more awesome!

    In the wig­gly world of Twit­ter apps, com­pet­i­tion is get­ting pretty tight between the lead­ing desktop con­tenders; Tweet­Deck, See­smic, and new-kid-on-the-block Mixero. Today Tweet­Deck launched their latest update, with some pleas­ant sur­prises: Con­ver­sa­tion win­dow — View an entire dia­logue all at once. Video play­back — Watch Qik or 12seconds video clips from the com­fort of TweetDeck.…

  • Installing Eeebuntu on my eeePC

    You may remem­ber this post where I waxed poet­ic on the some­what-easy install­a­tion of Easy Peasy Ubuntu on my eeePC 8G (it’s a 701). Well, believe it or not, I’ve nuked Easy Peasy and am now run­ning Eee­buntu…and the install was even easier! What got it all star­ted was this post about the ‘base edi­tion’…