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LinkedIn explained for the common folk!

Every time someone asks me to explain why I use and pro­mote Linked­In, it seems I have a good 15 or 20 minute con­ver­sa­tion com­ing. Then they invari­ably want to check out my pro­file and see who I’m Linked­In to. Now I’ll just point them to this excel­lent Com­mon­Craft video. Simple, easy to under­stand, and enter­tain­ing. And…

Every time someone asks me to explain why I use and pro­mote Linked­In, it seems I have a good 15 or 20 minute con­ver­sa­tion com­ing. Then they invari­ably want to check out my pro­file and see who I’m Linked­In to.

Now I’ll just point them to this excel­lent Com­mon­Craft video. Simple, easy to under­stand, and enter­tain­ing. And they can eas­ily get their own Linked­In account.

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3 responses to “LinkedIn explained for the common folk!”

  1. Phil Barrett Avatar

    Anoth­er clas­sic — all their videos should be required view­ing for any mar­keter look­ing to work or lever­age the inter­act­ive space!

    Phil Bar­retts last blog post..iphone — it’s not about the hard­ware silly

  2. Brad Grier Avatar

    Hey Phil,

    Thanks for that, and yeah, the com­mon craft folk have made my life so easy when it comes to explain­ing technology.

    I’ve noticed CBS is using a very sim­il­ar style with their Fast Draw segments.

  3. […] + Linked­In = Free Busi­ness Cards I’ve writ­ten before about Moo (cards & stick­ers) and Linked­In (the busi­ness social net­work), but this is the first time I’ve writ­ten about both in the same […]

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