Month: June 2008

  • Just how easy can publishing on a WordPress blog get?

    Image via Wiki­pe­dia Very easy. Ridicu­lously easy. Deli­ciously easy! Zemanta is a word­press plu­gin that works on the admin­is­trat­or side. Basic­ally, it ana­lyzes your post con­tent, then starts recom­mend­ing images (like the one to the right) and links to oth­er art­icles based on your post content. As well, when you set it up with your…

  • Absolutely the best explaination of Social Media — Common Craft delivers, again!

    A great and simple video explan­a­tion of Social Media. Wiki­pe­dia could­n’t do better 🙂 I’m sure you’ve heard the buzz. Social Media may be the next big thing. What’s it all about? This is Social Media in Plain English. Let’s take a vis­it to Scoopville — a town that’s fam­ous for ice cream. For over 20 years,…

  • Why trust strangers when you can trust your friends.

    Gig­Park is a new social media / word-of-mouth refer­ral web 2.0 and Face­book applic­a­tion (whew!) What all that jar­gon means is that if you’re look­ing for a plumb­er, account­ant, real estate agent or magi­cian you have a con­veni­ent place where you can ask your friends (or their friends). The concept is simple; invite your friends…