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Just how easy can publishing on a WordPress blog get?

Image via Wiki­pe­dia Very easy. Ridicu­lously easy. Deli­ciously easy! Zemanta is a word­press plu­gin that works on the admin­is­trat­or side. Basic­ally, it ana­lyzes your post con­tent, then starts recom­mend­ing images (like the one to the right) and links to oth­er art­icles based on your post content. As well, when you set it up with your…

LCD Smartie running the BigNum plugin on a 20x4 Parallel LCD displal

Image via Wiki­pe­dia

Very easy. Ridicu­lously easy. Deli­ciously easy!

Zemanta is a word­press plu­gin that works on the admin­is­trat­or side. Basic­ally, it ana­lyzes your post con­tent, then starts recom­mend­ing images (like the one to the right) and links to oth­er art­icles based on your post content.

As well, when you set it up with your part­ner inform­a­tion, it’ll even auto­ma­gic­ally build links to media they carry, such as this clas­sic usab­il­ity book Don’t Make Me Think. Though I’m not sure how that’s working…need to play with it more.

Any­way, it is an inter­est­ing way to include more con­tent from around the web in your post, if you feel the need to use a util­ity to help you with your research 🙂



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4 responses to “Just how easy can publishing on a WordPress blog get?”

  1. Adam Snider Avatar

    That seems like a use­ful plug-in, espe­cially for affil­i­ate mar­keters, but I think it throws in too many links that are some­what unne­ces­sary (though, I sup­pose you could just remove them manually).

  2. Brad Grier Avatar

    It’s not too bad actu­ally. I’ve just fin­ished anoth­er post for tomor­row morn­ing. I used it to search for Cre­at­ive Com­mons images (did­n’t use what it suggested).

    I also use the Photo Drop­per plu­gin for Word­Press, and it gen­er­ated the image I needed.

    And yeah, I’m likely not going to be sprink­ling too many links into my content…doesn’t add value for me.

  3. […] Sounds inter­est­ing. (via Brad Grier) […]

  4. […] Just how easy can pub­lish­ing on a Word­Press blog get? | Brad Gri­er Con­sult­ing | Social Media and Com… […]

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