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Blogging at the Edmonton Public Library

A week and a bit ago the Edmon­ton Pub­lic Lib­rary launched a vari­ety of blogs. EPL does­n’t appear to use a stand­ard blog­ging tool (Word­Press, Type­Pad, etc) but rather chose to devel­op their own platform. On the top­ic of blogs top­ics, the blogs included are rather diverse, from Abori­gin­al Peoples, Com­ics, Manga, and Graph­ic Nov­els,…

A week and a bit ago the Edmon­ton Pub­lic Lib­rary launched a vari­ety of blogs.

EPL does­n’t appear to use a stand­ard blog­ging tool (Word­Press, Type­Pad, etc) but rather chose to devel­op their own platform.

On the top­ic of blogs top­ics, the blogs included are rather diverse, from Abori­gin­al Peoples, Com­ics, Manga, and Graph­ic Nov­els, RFID in Lib­rar­ies, and more.

…and this is just anoth­er reas­on that my loc­al lib­rary gets me! Well done EPL!



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