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Month: April 2008

  • Password management is not a simple task, for me that is

    I’m hav­ing trouble keep­ing track of all my online pass­words. Being the good little net / social media junkie that I am, I tend to sign up for every demo or beta that there is…just to try them out.  Here’s the prob­lem: they all want a pass­word. I’m lazy. I give them all the same, dis­pos­able…

  • 3 things I learned when my WordPress blog crashed.

    This week my blog crashed. It could have been a mess, but due to foresight, para­noia, and a lot of good advice from oth­er blog­gers, it was actu­ally a pretty simple recov­ery process. But, without some essen­tial plu­gins and basic know­ledge, it all would have been lost. So here’s the what and why of what…

  • Sorry for the mess…

    *** Update *** Things seem to be back to normal…though this post will prove that, or not. Things went wonky after my last post so I won­der if there’s an issue with posting…we’ll see. This is being pub­lished as an Edit. My blog is ill. I’m clean­ing it up. Posts have been recovered but I need…

  • 5 reasons my library ‘gets’ me.

    I was recently reminded why I hap­pily sup­port my loc­al lib­rary, and yes, this is all about me. The back­story: A friend recom­men­ded a few movies over din­ner the oth­er even­ing. The loc­al video store did­n’t have them, so after remem­ber­ing a con­ver­sa­tion with anoth­er friend, I went to the loc­al lib­rary, from the com­fort of…

  • It’s tiny, cool, and giving me an administration headache

    Recently we’d picked up an ASUS eee PC as a replace­ment for my ill Com­paq R3200. Well, not really as a replace­ment. You see, any­time we start look­ing into a hard­ware pur­chase, Tess and I review our need for the purchase. To make a long story short, I’m inher­it­ing her cool little Dell M1210, and…

  • Are Canadian telemarketers quaking in their boots? Maybe.

    My pos­i­tion: tele­market­ing is annoy­ing and should be elim­in­ated. DO NOT WANT! My reas­on­ing: I did not ask for the call; hence it is an intru­sion. It uses up my resources (time) without my request or approv­al. I did not ask for you to call me offer­ing a home secur­ity audit for an alarm com­pany. My…

  • Selecting a beer to suit the mood.

    Recently, Adam Snider — loc­al Edmon­ton writer, con­duc­ted a quick poll via Twit­ter. The ques­tion: What is your favour­ite kind of beer? The sur­vey sample was small, but there was­n’t really a win­ner declared. And this also gave me an oppor­tun­ity to write about one of my favour­ite sub­jects; Beer! My think­ing on the poll res­ults…