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Month: October 2007

  • Gmail increases online storage to 4.5Gb

    This may be old news, but I’ve just noticed that the Gmail stor­age counter has increased to ~4.5Gb. In their blog, the Gmail team did say it was com­ing, but I don’t read it reg­u­larly so it was a sur­prise to me 🙂 Well done Gmail! Tech­nor­ati Tags: Google Mail, Gmail, Stor­age, Online Stor­age, email, free email

  • 69 years ago today, Earth was invaded.

    Orson Welles and The Mer­cury Theatre on the Air brought the world the ‘mod­ern’ adapt­a­tion of H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds.     Per­son­ally, my favour­ite adapt­a­tion of this SF Clas­sic is the rock opera ver­sion: Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds.       For your listen­ing pleasure: mp3 down­load from the Inter­net…

  • Blog update woes

    Between one of my Word­Press updates, and a K2 (this blo­g’s theme) update, I’ve man­aged to fubar the look and feel. Oh well, time to remem­ber what wid­gets and things I had, I liked, and which worked. And which sup­port the goal of the blog. Also been a bit absent from post­ing. Yep, life gets in…