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Gmail increases online storage to 4.5Gb

This may be old news, but I’ve just noticed that the Gmail stor­age counter has increased to ~4.5Gb. In their blog, the Gmail team did say it was com­ing, but I don’t read it reg­u­larly so it was a sur­prise to me 🙂 Well done Gmail! Tech­nor­ati Tags: Google Mail, Gmail, Stor­age, Online Stor­age, email, free email

This may be old news, but I’ve just noticed that the Gmail stor­age counter has increased to ~4.5Gb.

In their blog, the Gmail team did say it was com­ing, but I don’t read it reg­u­larly so it was a sur­prise to me 🙂

Well done Gmail!






2 responses to “Gmail increases online storage to 4.5Gb”

  1. Viajero Perdido Avatar
    Viajero Perdido

    Sweet. Per­fect tim­ing — I can go on vaca­tion, and all those geocach­ing pock­et query emails can just pile up until I can get to ’em.

  2. Brad Grier Avatar

    Heh…and, you can now access Gmail with an IMAP enabled client…even more fun!

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