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69 years ago today, Earth was invaded.

Orson Welles and The Mer­cury Theatre on the Air brought the world the ‘mod­ern’ adapt­a­tion of H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds.     Per­son­ally, my favour­ite adapt­a­tion of this SF Clas­sic is the rock opera ver­sion: Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds.       For your listen­ing pleasure: mp3 down­load from the Inter­net…

Orson Welles and The Mer­cury Theatre on the Air brought the world the ‘mod­ern’ adapt­a­tion of H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds.



Per­son­ally, my favour­ite adapt­a­tion of this SF Clas­sic is the rock opera ver­sion: Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds.




For your listen­ing pleasure:

  • mp3 down­load from the Inter­net Archive
  • mp3 of the broad­cast
  • mp3 of the broad­cast (altern­ate source)
  • Happy Hal­loween!






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