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Fast, free and effective Palm Pilot backup with NVBackup

Earli­er this morn­ing I had des­paired; my Palm Pilot had fallen and could­n’t get up. It had crashed. Hard. I had to force a Hard Reset to even get it back to the fact­ory default condition. I’d lost my ebooks, sched­ule, con­tacts, everything. Sure, it was backed up on my com­puter, in a backup folder,…

Earli­er this morn­ing I had des­paired; my Palm Pilot had fallen and could­n’t get up. It had crashed. Hard. I had to force a Hard Reset to even get it back to the fact­ory default condition.

I’d lost my ebooks, sched­ule, con­tacts, everything. Sure, it was backed up on my com­puter, in a backup folder, but a manu­al restore requr­ies an hour or two of reinstalling.

I was bummed, until I remembered that in one of my ‘smart’ moments, I ‘d installed a free ‘fire and for­get’ backup util­ity to my SD Card: NVBackup.

This little suck­er fired up, restored, and bam, I’m back in busi­ness. Everything was where it was sup­posed to be. A com­plete restore.

In five minutes.

Recom­mend­a­tion: if you do noth­ing else for your Palm Pilot today, read this review, then down­load and install NVBackup.

Then for­get about it, until you need it.

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2 responses to “Fast, free and effective Palm Pilot backup with NVBackup”

  1. Sid Software Avatar

    Wow, you are lucky you did that. Back­ing stuff up is such a pain. But these days I store so much import­ant data. You just have to keep more than one copy of everything.

    Sid Soft­wares last blog post..Best Win­dows backup software

  2. bgrier Avatar

    @Sid Soft­ware — Yep, that one did teach me the value of auto­mated backups. Just for­get about them until you need them. When this blog crashed I was happy that I’d set up an auto­mated backup for it too.

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