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Tag: Host

  • On the radio…again!

    A couple of weeks ago loc­al realtor and heavy social media maven @ZoomJer and I were inter­viewed by CBC’s Rod Kur­tz about our involve­ment with social media and our upcom­ing ses­sions at Guru Digit­al Arts Col­lege’s Social Media Sat­urday event. Yes, we had fun! Check out our inter­view here… [power­press url=“–09-15-social-media.mp3”]

  • In Transition — as the page says

    Due to a monu­ment­al FUBAR between my web­site host, serv­er restric­tions, and some resource-heavy word­press plu­gins, is cur­rently without a home. All is not lost: I have a backup of the site, con­tent, posts, com­ments etc I retain my domain names etc I have a boat-load of work ahead of me as I research and rebuild Les­sons learned:…