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Tag: Facebook

  • Keeping your holiday photos safe

    The holiday season is upon us, which means that we’ll be enjoying time spent with family and friends. Many of us will grab our handy camera-enabled data phones and snap priceless shots that we’ll want to share, and keep for posterit...

  • This is the week that was

    Wow. I com­plain that the tech news week is slow, so what hap­pens? Stuff. iPad spec­u­la­tion, high-tech worms, a new tab­let com­puter from RIM and much, MUCH MORE! Apple I Own An iPad, So What Do I do With It? NPD has released the second in its series of iPad sur­veys. While the first looked at buy­ing…

  • Spending good money on nothing, it’s not a new concept.

    Dis­clos­ure: I’m involved with an organ­iz­a­tion that has vir­tu­al goods and cur­rency  — and yes, you can exchange real money for vir­tu­al goods in it. The vir­tu­al eco­nomy is heat­ing up. GigaOm reports that Face­book Could Make $250M From Vir­tu­al Goods Next Year; make money from stuff that isn’t tan­gible. Stuff you can’t hold in your…

  • The top three URL shorteners for ReTweets

    If you use Twit­ter at all you know that tweets really are the essence of tight-writ­ing, since you’ve only got 140 char­ac­ters to work with. If you’re plan­ning to include a link to oth­er web con­tent or leave space so that oth­ers can retweet your tweet, your char­ac­ter count drops further. Sav­in’ the tweet, one…

  • Sponsored post — Lunchster helps you organize your lunch dates

    The fol­low­ing is a sponsored post, com­mis­sioned by Lunch­ster, via Izea. Though this is a paid post, the words and ideas below are mine. Hook­ing up with friends for lunch has always been a bit of a chal­lenge for me, and I’ve always been look­ing for a way to make it easi­er. I don’t often write…

  • How to automatically post your Facebook status to Twitter

    Well it looks like Face­book and Twit­ter are now play­ing nice. If you’re logged into Face­book, this page will walk you through the pro­cess of hook­ing things up so that your Face­book updates will go out to your Twit­ter feed. Select what you want, and pro­tect the rest. I’m going to leave this post as…