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Tag: Canadian

  • The Long Dark: Story Mode — Wow!

    I’ve been a fan (and Kick­starter sup­port­er) of The Long Dark for a while now, and have played it in sand­box mode off and on. As such, it’s cool and fun! But this trail­er for Story Mode gave me shivers. And not because we’re in the middle of a Cana­dian winter…    

  • Disaster Tech

    Like many of you, I’ve been watch­ing the events in Japan con­tin­ue to unfold, and per­haps think­ing to myself, “I’m glad some­thing that dev­ast­at­ing did­n’t hap­pen here”. But what if it did, would you be pre­pared? I like to think that I am, but sadly, I’m prob­ably not. Yes, I have a first aid kit, and I’ve…

  • A great couple of weeks to be an iOS gamer

    Three excit­ing games were released for iOS devices in the last week and a bit. One was from a well-estab­lished com­puter and con­sole devel­op­ment jug­ger­naut. One was from a (now) block­buster com­pany that made their name on the iPhone and iPod Touch. And the final one from a small but respec­ted Cana­dian design house, is…

  • Canuck going to South by South West (SXSW)?

    If you’re going to South by South West (SXSW) in March, then con­sider check­ing in to the Maple Leaf Digit­al Lounge — a new concept that helps pro­mote and high­light Cana­dian tech­no­logy to SXSW attendees. We are cre­at­ing a cluster of Cana­dian tech­no­logy that will be pro­moted at this event.  This is a unique concept…