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Canuck going to South by South West (SXSW)?

If you’re going to South by South West (SXSW) in March, then con­sider check­ing in to the Maple Leaf Digit­al Lounge — a new concept that helps pro­mote and high­light Cana­dian tech­no­logy to SXSW attendees. We are cre­at­ing a cluster of Cana­dian tech­no­logy that will be pro­moted at this event.  This is a unique concept…

If you’re going to South by South West (SXSW) in March, then con­sider check­ing in to the Maple Leaf Digit­al Lounge — a new concept that helps pro­mote and high­light Cana­dian tech­no­logy to SXSW attendees.

We are cre­at­ing a cluster of Cana­dian tech­no­logy that will be pro­moted at this event.  This is a unique concept and Canada is the only coun­try to host a lounge at this con­fer­ence. It will act as a cata­lyst in pro­mot­ing Cana­dian innov­a­tion to a large tech­no­logy and media audience.

The MLDL will fea­ture Canada’s top Inter­act­ive digit­al media tech­no­logy com­pan­ies from the fol­low­ing indus­tries: social media, mobile, mar­ket­ing, multi-media, game devel­op­ment, web devel­op­ment or any related IT areas. At the event, each com­pany will have a table set up/booth to show­case their tech­no­logy over a two-day period.

So if you’re head­ing down to SXSW, the Maple Leaf Digit­al Lounge should be on your must-see list. And if you’re a Cana­dian tech. com­pany, you may want to look at partnering.


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