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Tag: Canada

  • The Long Dark: Story Mode — Wow!

    I’ve been a fan (and Kick­starter sup­port­er) of The Long Dark for a while now, and have played it in sand­box mode off and on. As such, it’s cool and fun! But this trail­er for Story Mode gave me shivers. And not because we’re in the middle of a Cana­dian winter…    

  • Planet Black Nugget Lake

    Test of #tinyplan­et­spro with Black Nug­get Lake image. Shot with Panason­ic FZ-50 and pro­cessed on iPad.  via Flickr

  • At Black Nugget Lake

    No lake vis­ible. It’s the oth­er way.  via Flickr

  • Godspeed Commander Hadfield

    Cana­dian astro­naut, space enthu­si­ast, edu­cat­or, social media sen­sa­tion, and now enter­tain­er? Yep, those are just a sampling of the roles that Com­mand­er Chris Hadifeld ful­filled dur­ing his 146 day post­ing to the ISS as Sta­tion Commander. His Soy­uz cap­sule returns to Earth tomor­row even­ing, but as a last sur­prise, the Com­mand­er released this video rework­ing of…

  • B&W Mountain

    I for­get which moun­tain this is. Taken in Jasper whilst camp­ing back in 2007.  via Flickr

  • Cloudy in Edmonton, Canada

    Shot out my win­dow. It’s sup­posed to be spring, but these clouds are going to dump snow on us in a little bit.via Flickr

  • Cool! Mr. D gets the Google Doodle treatment!

    A Cana­dian TV icon today was hon­oured with a Google Doodle (on the .ca Google page any­way) on what would have been his 85th birth­day; Ernie Coombs was bet­ter known as Mr. Dressup.

  • Canadarm: Today’s Google Doodle

    Very cool of the fine folks at Google to recog­nize the 31st anniversary of the Cana­darm’s use in space with today’s Google Doodle.

  • Disaster Tech

    Like many of you, I’ve been watch­ing the events in Japan con­tin­ue to unfold, and per­haps think­ing to myself, “I’m glad some­thing that dev­ast­at­ing did­n’t hap­pen here”. But what if it did, would you be pre­pared? I like to think that I am, but sadly, I’m prob­ably not. Yes, I have a first aid kit, and I’ve…

  • Another way to count the vote

    Canada isn’t the only nation hav­ing an elec­tion in May. Folks in the United King­dom go to the polls on May 5th — and when they do, they’ll not only be select­ing their lead­ers, they’ll be vot­ing on a ref­er­en­dum to change they way votes are coun­ted. And this has the chance to really make…

  • Canuck going to South by South West (SXSW)?

    If you’re going to South by South West (SXSW) in March, then con­sider check­ing in to the Maple Leaf Digit­al Lounge — a new concept that helps pro­mote and high­light Cana­dian tech­no­logy to SXSW attendees. We are cre­at­ing a cluster of Cana­dian tech­no­logy that will be pro­moted at this event.  This is a unique concept…

  • Two words I thought I’d never see together: Library & Groupon

    I must say I’m rather proud of the Edmon­ton Pub­lic Lib­rary — my loc­al lib­rary. They were one of the first in Canada to: offer free Wi-Fi to members, jump into social media, equip branches with self-check­out barscan­ners and RFID chip auto­mated checkin, allow online holds and media reservations, cre­ate a mobile lib­rary app, offer digit­al…