Tag: Alien Frontiers
More progress on painting Alien Frontiers Field Generators
Work in progress, painting Alien Frontiers game components.
Alien Frontiers — Colony paint complete
Well, I finished painting the colony components. Looking at the photos, they kinda look messy. Note to self, don’t rush, even if you have 40 of the little buggers to paint. Ah well, on the game board at normal viewing distances they look ok. I didn’t want to paint the originals that came with the game so…
Painting the components of Alien Frontiers
Recently I’ve become aware of a trend to paint the often garishly-coloured miniatures and game components you find in modern board games. My first attempt was with Mice and Mystics, and now I’m working on Alien Frontiers. This time, I decided to prototype my colour schemes digitally. To do this, photographed the components just after priming, so…