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More progress on painting Alien Frontiers Field Generators

Work in progress, painting Alien Frontiers game components.


AlienFrontiersFieldGenerator_WIP_2Wow, when you take pho­tos of painted mini­atures, the pho­tos always catch all the rough paint-work and oth­er issues, mak­ing the minis look like crap 😀

Ah well, since these Ali­en Fron­ti­ers field gen­er­at­ors are meant to be played with and not put on a shelf and admired, I’m not too concerned.

One done, one in pro­gress and one primed and ready to go.

AlienFrontiersFieldGenerator_WIP_1The orange one’s inter­est­ing. I bought the Ali­en Fron­ti­ers Upgrade Pack. It included a lot of the new colony com­pon­ents, and these field gen­er­at­or com­pon­ents. It’s meant to upgrade the more gen­er­ic ones from earli­er Ali­en Fron­ti­ers generators.

AlienFrontiersFieldGenerator_WIP_3So this one came without one of the gen­er­at­or arms attached. After filling out a form and upload­ing a photo of the flawed com­pon­ent, Game Salute, the dis­trib­ut­or sent along a replace­ment (it’s the unpainted one in the background).

In the mean­time, I’d decided to paint this one any­way, and am going to turn that gap where the arm mounts into a dock­ing port. I think I’ll be adding yel­low and black ‘alert’ lines around it. We’ll see how that goes.

Then, finally, I think I’ll likely give them a final spray of Test­ors Dul­coat, just to elim­in­ate the shine. I like the way it helps bring out subtle detail and gives them a more ‘real­ist­ic’ look. Must be a per­son­al taste thing developed back in the day when I painted plastic models.