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Exactly 1 week ago today [slideshow]

Exactly one week ago today we were enjoy­ing our last day on Maui, by snorkeling. By our rough count, we man­aged to get in and under the water about every oth­er day — which is pretty good for a prair­ie boy. So, to revis­it the exper­i­ence today seemed a bit appropo, with a slideshow of all…

Exactly one week ago today we were enjoy­ing our last day on Maui, by snorkeling.

By our rough count, we man­aged to get in and under the water about every oth­er day — which is pretty good for a prair­ie boy.

So, to revis­it the exper­i­ence today seemed a bit appropo, with a slideshow of all the good/interesting shots we’d man­aged to get into flickr so far.

All these pho­tos were taken with a very cool Panason­ic DMC-TS2, which I dis­cuss in fur­ther detail in a few Future Shop blog posts.


One response to “Exactly 1 week ago today [slideshow]”

  1. bgrier (Brad Grier) Avatar

    Twit­ter Comment

    Blog Post: Exactly 1 week ago today [slideshow] — [link to post]

    Pos­ted using Chat Catch­er

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