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Damn those are pretty…

Earli­er this week NASA release the first series of images from the WISE (Wide-field Infrared Sur­vey Explorer) project…and they are hot! Since WISE began its scan of the entire sky in infrared light on Jan. 14, the space tele­scope has beamed back more than a quarter of a mil­lion raw, infrared images. Four new, pro­cessed pic­tures…

Earli­er this week NASA release the first series of images from the WISE (Wide-field Infrared Sur­vey Explorer) project…and they are hot!

Since WISE began its scan of the entire sky in infrared light on Jan. 14, the space tele­scope has beamed back more than a quarter of a mil­lion raw, infrared images. Four new, pro­cessed pic­tures illus­trate a sampling of the mis­sion’s tar­gets — a wispy comet, a burst­ing star-form­ing cloud, the grand Andromeda galaxy and a faraway cluster of hun­dreds of galaxies.

Check out the full gal­lery here — and yes, I’ll likely be mak­ing a desktop or two from these — stay tuned.



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