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3d Printing Terrain for tabletop games like Dungeons & Dragons

Pretty cool what a little time, 3d Print­ing tech­no­logy, some cre­at­ive design work, and a spool of PLA will get you. I’ve been test­ing vari­ous dun­geon com­pon­ents to see how well they’ll work with our play style. And how good they’ll look once painted and finished. The crates above have yet to be fin­ished. Usu­ally, I…

Pretty cool what a little time, 3d Print­ing tech­no­logy, some cre­at­ive design work, and a spool of PLA will get you.

I’ve been test­ing vari­ous dun­geon com­pon­ents to see how well they’ll work with our play style. And how good they’ll look once painted and finished.

Unfinished Crates

The crates above have yet to be fin­ished. Usu­ally, I prime them with Flat Grey, then col­our, light­en or darken as neces­sary. This example also uses short walls, allow­ing us to see the con­tents of the room from any­where on the table.


If you’re inter­ested, I’ve been keep­ing all the land­scape and ter­rain designs I find on Thingi­verse in this collection.


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