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How I’m preparing for the new Star Wars movie.

I’m set. We have even­ing tick­ets in the swanky-wide-butt seats at the loc­al omniplex. But, I want to revis­it the story line pri­or to the event. So, off to watch the six pre­vi­ous movies I go. Or do I? This post in a loc­al fan group on Face­book has me think­ing… do I need to see them…

I’m set. We have even­ing tick­ets in the swanky-wide-butt seats at the loc­al omniplex.

But, I want to revis­it the story line pri­or to the event. So, off to watch the six pre­vi­ous movies I go.

Or do I?

This post in a loc­al fan group on Face­book has me think­ing… do I need to see them all in the order they were created?

You watch new hope, watch empire, GO BACK and skip phantom men­ace because it is garbage, watch clone, watch revenge, then fin­ish with return”

OK, inter­est­ing idea. Switch up the order a bit and nuke the Phantom Men­ace. Sounds like a plan.

And anoth­er response men­tions mak­ing sure to watch the Des­pe­cial­ized ver­sions if avail­able. Here’s a mini-doc­u­ment­ary on the cre­ation of these versions:

Because, frankly, too many changes (not for the bet­ter) were made to the vari­ous ver­sions through the years. I want to live in a uni­verse where Han shot first 🙂



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